Use Headings for Proper Article Structure Tags



Use headings to identify the topics and subtopics of your article. Headings have several functions:

  • Provide a quick overview of an article.
  • Act as visual dividers and make the content appear less dense.
  • Help mark the way and allow users to decide whether to read the content or not.
  • Allow those people using adaptive technologies, such as a screen reader, to jump from section to section to find the content they need.


Using Headings

There are 6 headings available in TDX, each with their own style. In HTML code, heading styles are referenced as h#, where # sign is the number of the heading. 

  • Heading 1 (h1) Article Subject - in TDX, the Subject field is automatically formatted as an H1 heading. For accessibility, there should be only one h1 per webpage so do not use an h1 heading anywhere in the content area.
  • The Subject serves as the summary heading for an article. Do not repeat it in the content area.
  • Heading 2 (h2) Major topics - format all major topics with the h2 heading
  • Heading 3 (h3) Subtopics - use to format all subtopics
  • Heading 4 (h4) Sub-subtopics - use as needed
  • Headings 5 and 6 (h5 and h6) - Try writing your content to avoid using these headings but they are available if needed


Applying Headings

To format a heading do the following.

  1. Select the text you want to make a heading.
  2. Click the Format menu and select the desired heading type. The style is applied immediately.




Article ID: 189
Mon 6/8/20 7:51 PM
Mon 3/28/22 5:53 PM