Publish an Article to UAA Knowledge Base



As a Knowledge Publisher, you can publish any article, regardless of ownership, to the UAA IT Knowledge Base.


Knowledge Publishers should always communicate with the appropriate service owners before publishing an article, and should always follow the Checklist for Publishing Knowledge.


Publishing an article

Only articles that have been reviewed, and placed into an Approved state can be published.

  1. Find the desired article.
    1. Click the Search tab.
    2. From the Status drop-down menu, select Approved.
    3. Select the Unpublished radio box.
    4. Select the Both radio box to the right of Public and Not Public.
    5. Leave the remaining search options empty.
    6. Click Search button.
  2. Click the Title of the desired article to open it.
  3. Review it for clarity, technical accuracy, and consistency with existing service offerings.
  4. Click Edit Article.
  5. Click the Permissions tab.
    1. Verify the article is in the correct primary Category.
    2. Verify that permissions are correct.
      • By default all articles Inherit Permissions from its parent category, and are public once published. 
      • If the subject of an article is should be available to only a subset of groups, review the Restrict Access to Sensitive Content article and then set the appropriate permissions.
      • If any changes were made, click Save.
  6. Click the Settings tab.
    1. Verify that Tags are set, and are appropriate.
    2. Verify the Status is set to Approved.
    3. Click the Published to KB checkbox.
    4. Verify the Owner field is set to the group responsible for the service line associated with the article.
    5. Verify the Notify Owner on Feedback checkbox is checked.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click the article title breadcrumb to return to read view.
    • The article's Details indicate its new status of Published.

      TDX Knowledge article details status box showing an approved, published article.
  9. Send an email to the article's author notifying them the article has been published, and they will now need to do the following as appropriate:
    • Create any article Shortcuts.
    • Create any links to Related Articles.


Need additional help or have issues

For additional assistance contact the IT Services Technical Support Center via phone at (907) 786-4646, toll-free at (877) 633-3888, email us at, or visit the Services section to open a support ticket.



Article ID: 191
Wed 6/10/20 12:34 PM
Wed 6/12/24 2:49 PM