Manage Your Microsoft Team



Within Microsoft Teams there are two roles: Owner and Member. By default the person that creates a new team is granted the Owner status. It's recommend to have at least two owners to help manage the team; this will also prevent orphaned groups if the sole owner leaves the organization.


In this article:


What materials do I need?

  • Microsoft Teams application
  • Your UA Identity
  • You are an Owner of the team


How do I use this technology?


Differences between Owner and Member

The table below shows the difference in permissions between an owner and a member.

  Team Owner Team Member
Create team Yes No
Leave team Yes Yes
Edit team name / description Yes No
Delete team Yes No
Add channel Yes Yes*
Edit channel name/description Yes Yes*
Delete channel Yes Yes*
Add members Yes** No
Add tabs Yes Yes*
Add connectors Yes Yes*
Add bots Yes Yes*


* These items can be turned off by an owner at a team level, in which case members would not have access to that feature.

** After adding a member to a team, an Owner can also promote a Member to Owner status. it is also possible for an Owner to demote their own status to Member.


View Team Membership

  1. Click ellipse (...) More options next to the team name.

    Microsoft Teams More Options button highlighted
  2. Click Manage team.

    Microsoft Teams more options menu manage team button highlighted
  3. The Members tab will appear displaying the current Team owners, and members.

    Microsoft Teams Manage members


Add Member

  1. On the Members tab, see View Team Membership section, click Add member.
  2. The Add members dialog window will be displayed.

    Microsoft Teams Manage Add members dialog window
  3. In the text field begin typing the name, or username of the Team that will have access to the private channel. As you type an list of matching individuals will be displayed. Click on the desired account to select it.

    Microsoft Teams manage membership add members account list example
  4. Repeat step 3 until all desired individuals have been added to the Team.
  5. Once all individuals have been selected, click Add.
  6. If desired, you can make one, or more, of the members of the Team an owner by selecting the drop-down menu to the right of their name and selecting Owner.

    Microsoft Teams Manage membership add member select roles dropdown menu
  7. Click Close.
  8. The revised Team membership list will be displayed with the new additions.

    Microsoft Teams Manage membership new members


Remove Member

To remove an Owner from a group, you must first change their role from Owner to Member, only then you can remove them from the group.


  1. Open the Members tab, see View Team Membership section.
  2. Locate the account you want to remove from the Team.
  3. Click the Remove button to the right of the account.

    Microsoft Teams Manage membership remove account button highlighted
  4. Repeat step 2, and 3 for each additional account you'd like to remove from the Team.


Need additional help or have issues

For additional assistance contact the IT Services Technical Support Center via phone at (907) 786-4646, toll-free at (877) 633-3888, email us at



Article ID: 230
Mon 7/20/20 1:15 PM
Mon 8/15/22 6:25 PM

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