Pop Out a Chat in Teams



You can instantly pop out your one-on-one or group chat into a separate window via several different methods. Then, resize, reposition, or close the window as you wish. It’s a great way to get a lot done when you’re in a meeting or in a call. You can pop out multiple conversations, but not the same chat twice.


You can pop out multiple conversations, but not the same chat twice.


To do other things (like scheduling meetings, attaching a OneDrive File, adding apps, etc.) just return to the main app. You don't need to close the pop out chat window.


The pop out chat feature is currently only available in the desktop app for macOS and Windows.


In this article:


What materials do I need?

  • Microsoft Teams app for macOS or Windows


How do I use this technology?

From the chat list

  1. Select Chat on the left side of teams to open the chat list.
  2. Find the name of the chat you want.
  3. Use either of the following methods.
    • Double-click the chat  name.​​​​
    • Use the More options menu.
      1. Click More options...

        Microsoft Teams Chat more options button highlighted

      2. Click Pop out chat.

        Microsoft Teams Chat More Options Menu Pop out chat highlighted
  4. A new pop out chat window will open.

    Microsoft Teams Chat Pop Out Window


By hovering over a chat

  1. Hover the cursor over the desired chat.
  2. Pop out chat button will appear, click it.

    Microsoft Teams Chat pop out button highlighted
  3. A new pop out chat window will open.

    Microsoft Teams Chat Pop Out Window


From the chat itself

  1. Select a chat.
  2. Go to the top right corner of the chat and click Pop out chat.

    Microsoft Teams Chat Pop out button highlighted
  3. A new pop out chat window will open.

    Microsoft Teams Chat Pop Out Window


From a profile picture

  1. Double-click the profile picture of the person you want to have a conversation with.

    Microsoft Teams Chat Profile image highlighted
  2. A new pop out chat window will open.

    Microsoft Teams Chat Pop Out Window


From the command box

  1. Type /pop in the command box at the top of Teams.

    Microsoft Teams Command Window with /pop command
  2. Click the chat you want to pop out. You can filter long lists by entering a name in the command window. 

    Microsoft Teams Command Window Pop Select Chat list
  3. A new pop out chat window will open.

    Microsoft Teams Chat Pop Out Window


Need additional help or have issues

For additional assistance contact the IT Services Technical Support Center via phone at (907) 786-4646, toll-free at (877) 633-3888, email us at uaa.techsupport@alaska.edu.



Article ID: 248
Mon 7/27/20 11:09 AM
Mon 8/15/22 5:55 PM

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