Video Conferencing Etiquette


Some additional tips to make your video conferences more effective and efficient.


Here are some tips to make your video conferences more effective and efficient:

  • When possible mute your microphone. Make it a standard practice for all sites to mute their microphones when not speaking. This allows the current speaker to be seen by all sites without interruption.
  • Try to connect 5 minutes early to do audio/video tests with other participants to maximize your time during meetings.
  • Check your surroundings before you begin your meeting and set up your space making sure to check what is behind you.
  • Verify your camera and microphone.
  • Open all documents/files to make for smooth screen sharing.
  • Avoid backlighting (bright sunlight from windows), the average room will have sufficient lighting for a video conference.
  • If there are table microphones ensure they are properly positioned 1-2 feet away from participants (they are very sensitive).
  • Eliminate background noises near microphones (for example laptop computer fan, mobile phones).
  • When choosing clothes for the video conference, keep it simple—dark, solid colors are always a good choice.
  • If written, graphical or computerized information will be used during the meeting, communicate the information with all sites, either by sending it in advance of the meeting, posting on Google Drive, OneDrive for Business, MS Teams, or file sharing using the Video conferencing software at the beginning of the meeting.
  • Introduce yourself and other participants when your site joins the conference. (e.g. Hi this is John Smith from Fairbanks)
  • Unless in Gallery view most video programs will have whoever is speaking become the dominant screen, this is called voice switching, and can take 2-3 seconds for the video to switch.
  • Use names to direct questions to specific people.
  • Be aware of the transmission delay, pause for others to comment. Start talking and keep talking and don't hesitate because you see or hear something unexpected. Small delays are always present. Don't ask, "Can you hear me?” After speaking, pause to allow others to comment.
  • Ensure when setting the camera that overhead lights are not seen and the reflection of any lighting on the table are not on camera. Make sure any blinds and doors are closed.
  • Avoid touching your face, fidgeting or moving too much.
  • Small noises can be big distractions. Avoid shuffling paper, covering the microphone, tapping fingers, or clicking pens. These noises are easily picked up by the microphone and transmitted to other viewers.
  • Be helpful, with integrated chat, screen sharing, audio and video it’s very easy to lose track of a non-verbal feedback or chat message, don’t be afraid to point out that someone has raised their hand or placed a message in chat.
  • If participating over video from a mobile device, try not to move your camera or device.  If you must move your camera, mute your video if possible.


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Article ID: 705
Thu 12/9/21 12:44 PM
Mon 8/15/22 6:05 PM