Time Sheet Approvers & Setting Up Web Time Entry Proxies


(NOTE: for the Time Sheet Approval and Proxy Quick Guide, scroll down and click on the link in the blue box)

Once you have time sheet approval access, take a moment to set up an alternate time sheet approver in UAOnline. If you are ever unavailable to approve time sheets for your employees (e.g., you are on sick leave or annual leave, working in a remote location, etc.), your proxy will be able to act as a time sheet approver in your absence.

Once you set up a proxy, they can select your name from the “Act as Proxy:” drop-down menu on the Time Reporting Selection page in UAOnline to review and approve time sheets for your employees. Their proxy permissions will remain in place until you rescind them.

Who Can Be a Proxy

All Time Sheet Approvers must assign at least one (1) person as a proxy to approve employee time sheets if the Time Sheet Approver is unavailable. A proxy for a Time Sheet Approver must be, in order of preference:
1) an employee you report to;
2) a peer who is in your unit and has the same supervisor as you do; or
3) an employee who has been given, in writing, the authority to act as a time sheet approver in your absence and is, at minimum, a peer to the level of the employee(s) for whom they are approving time sheets.
A time sheet reviewer (FYI) cannot participate in the time sheet process as both a time sheet approver and a reviewer for the same employee(s).


Proxy Set Up Instructions

On the Selection Criteria page, click on the “Proxy Set Up” link located next to the “Act as Proxy:” selection box.

On the Proxy Set Up page, use the drop-down list to select the appropriate proxy for yourself. To jump to a specific name in the list, click in the Name field and begin typing the last name of the person you want to select; use the scroll bar to search the available proxies with the last name you entered. Select the proxy’s name and then select “Save.” Your proxy will have the same access to your department’s time sheets as you do, and be able to approve time sheets in your absence.

At any point, you can terminate the permissions for your proxy by returning to the Proxy Set Up page, selecting the “Remove” check box, and then clicking “Save.”

To return to the previous page, select “Time Reporting Selection” at the bottom of the page.

If the person you want to select as your proxy is not available in the Name drop-down list, (in UAOnline) they will need to request administrative access to approve web timesheets. Please refer to the Banner Access Requests KB article for information and links to request forms. https://service.alaska.edu/TDClient/39/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=945

WTE -  Time Sheet Approval and Proxy Quick Guide 

Need additional help or have questions?

Please contact ua-payroll@alaska.edu for additional assistance.  

To contact other UA HR teams, please visit our Contact Us page at https://alaska.edu/hr/contact.php




Article ID: 1016
Wed 6/15/22 12:48 PM
Wed 12/18/24 8:43 PM