Timesheet Error - Not Enough Hours Entered


WARNING Job requires NN hours of work or leave, but only NN have been entered. 

This warning message is a default message that will appear even if the hours are correctly reported for less than a pay period. For example, a new hire is starting during the second week of the pay period or an employee is terminating the first week of the pay period. The warning message can be ignored in these instances and the system will let the time sheet be successfully submitted and approved. Otherwise, leave hours need to be entered to equal the assigned hours per pay period. 

Need additional help or have questions?

Please contact ua-payroll@alaska.edu for additional assistance.  

To contact other UA HR teams, please visit our Contact Us page at https://alaska.edu/hr/contact.php



Article ID: 1024
Wed 6/15/22 12:48 PM
Tue 1/9/24 6:36 PM