Faculty Sabbatical Job Forms


There are two job forms required for placing your faculty member on Sabbatical, in addition to the signed Appointment Letter & Memo approved by your Dean and/or Provost. You will need a job form to place your faculty member on Sabbatical (Job Change Reason: SABB - Sabbatical Begin), and a job form to end your faculty member's Sabbatical (Job Change Reason: SABE - Sabbatical End). The SABB and SABE job forms should always come in together as a pair.

For a semester Sabbatical, the Hours/Day should remain at 8 and the Hours per Pay should remain at 80. For an academic year Sabbatical, the Hours/Day on the SABB job form should be updated to 5.33 and the Hours per Pay should be updated to 53.34. In both cases, their earnings code should be updated to 090 with an effective date of the start of the Sabbatical.

Your SABE job form should bring your faculty member back to 8 hours and 80 Hours per Pay, and the 010 earnings code. The SABE job form can be used to set the faculty member to off-contract status if the end date of their Sabbatical aligns with their off-contract period. If you are using the SABE job form to place your faculty member off-contract, place change status to "B".

Please click link below for the Faculty Sabbatical Job Form Completion reference sheet.

Faculty Sabbatical Job Form Completion

Need additional help or have questions?

Please contact ua-personnel@alaska.edu for additional assistance.  

To contact other UA HR teams, please visit our Contact Us page at https://alaska.edu/hr/contact.php.



Article ID: 1113
Wed 6/15/22 12:51 PM
Fri 3/8/24 7:04 PM