Out-of-Class Pay Process


Current Process:

A justification memo is submitted to the Compensation Team via DocuSign for approval of this request. The memo should contain the employee name, ID number, current position classification, and information about additional duties to the vacancy of a higher-level position. Lastly the justification needs to indicate when the out-of-class pay will begin and end. Requests for longer than 90 days will be denied.

A new justification and job form will need to be submitted for any extensions beyond the initial 90 days.

Essentially it is based upon how much of the vacant workload has the employee absorbed and the salary grade difference between the two positions to determine a percentage. 

Template for Out of Class Pay Memo:

Out of Class Pay Memo Template UA Regulation Background:

Out-of-class pay is appropriate when an employee is officially assigned additional nonacademic duties on a temporary basis for at least 30 calendar days. Out-of-class pay may be given for additional duties that are technically advanced; require substantially more discretion, authority or accountability; or otherwise require the employee to utilize clearly higher level skills and abilities not required in his/her current job. The percentage of base pay amount increase available is between 3 percent and 10 percent, allocated in one percent increments,. All out-of-class adjustments must be documented in writing. The percentage amount must be reviewed and re-approved every 90 calendar days by the MAU human resources office. If an extension is requested following the initial 90 days, it must include a written plan and timeline for concluding the temporary assignment, such as initiating a recruitment or completion of an organizational or position restructure.

Need additional help or have questions?

Please contact ua-compensation@alaska.edu for additional assistance.  

To contact other UA HR teams, please visit our Contact Us page at https://alaska.edu/hr/contact.php




Article ID: 1212
Wed 6/15/22 12:53 PM
Thu 1/18/24 8:12 PM