Salary Adjustments for EX (Officers and Senior Administrators)


Salary adjustments for the EX ECLS should be requested as follows:

The VC or Provost composes a memo regarding the exceptional ongoing performance, work product, and other factors taken into consideration to recommend a salary increase for the employee.

The UA President must approve all salary increases for officers or senior administrators after being approved by the UA HR Director of Benefits and Compensation. This request memo should be routed for signatures through DocuSign.

Once approved the HR Coordinator will attach it to the job form and new appointment letter for UA HR personnel processing. The job change reason would be “PERF” for performance-related increases.  For other job change reasons, see Job Change Procedures.

For additional Information please refer to page 2 of the Memo & Approval matrix linked below. 

Memo & Approval Requirements

Board of Regents Policy

Per Board of Regents Policy R04.05.041.c Officers of the University and Senior Administrators:

Salary Movement

Salary increases or bonuses may be used for promotion, retention offers, internal equity and market adjustments, or extraordinary performance. All salary increases and bonuses require the approval of the president.

Template Memo - EX Salary Adjustments  

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Article ID: 1274
Thu 8/25/22 2:10 PM
Tue 6/18/24 6:21 PM