L6070 Longevity Increases


In Article 9.2.E, Longevity Incentive Pay in the Local 6070 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), Local 6070 bargaining unit members receive a step increase when they reach a longevity milestone. This is effective starting in FY24.


Article 9.2.E: The University will adjust a Local 6070 bargaining unit members base rate of pay for the following years of staff service for the University, with a cap of one retroactive step if the milestone year was reached prior to this agreement for current staff. Local 6070 bargaining unit members at the top step of the salary schedule are ineligible for the step increase for this incentive.

  • 5 years –   1 step increase on anniversary date 

  • 10 years – 1 step increase on anniversary date 

  • 15 years – 1 step increase on anniversary date 

  • 20 years – 1 step increase on anniversary date 

  • 25 years – 1 step increase on anniversary date 

  • 30 years – 1 step increase on anniversary date 


For these purposes, longevity is defined as the length of service in a Local 6070 position, including time spent in a temporary and/or benefit-eligible L6070 position, without a break in service of more than 180 days. For FY24 only: If a milestone year was reached prior to this agreement for current staff, UA HR will enter the one step increase cap first. Additionally, UA HR will be processing retroactive incentive pay increases for identified Local 6070 bargaining unit members.

Going forward, UA HR will run regular reports and make updates to NBAJOBS for the longevity increases, using the change reason UNAD. Those increases will be effective on the first day of the pay period that follows the anniversary date. For example, a L6070 bargaining unit member who has their 20th anniversary on November 21, 2023, will receive a one-step increase effective on December 3, 2023 (first of the following pay period).

The anniversary date (month and day only) will be housed on PEA2EMP and updated by Personnel.

HR Coordinators are responsible to review the reports and confirm that the eligible L6070 bargaining unit members have received the longevity increase, as appropriate. This could be done on a monthly basis.  

Local 6070 Page 

Need additional help or have questions?

Please contact ua-personnel@alaska.edu for additional assistance.  

To contact other UA HR teams, please visit our Contact Us page at https://alaska.edu/hr/contact.php.



Article ID: 1604
Tue 10/10/23 1:08 PM
Thu 1/11/24 7:44 PM