UA Accommodations Process for Visitors & Employees


Request: An employee makes a request for accommodations, usually to their supervisor or sometimes directly to HR.

Initiate: The supervisor/employee brings the request to HR, and all of us work together to begin to identify possible solutions to an accommodation request.

Collaborate: The HR ADA Team works individually with employee & supervisor, then with everyone together if needed, to identify a reasonable accommodation.

Document: The UA HR ADA team documents everything - this is to help if the requesting employee changes supervisors or positions. We encourage supervisors & employees who have not yet involved us to submit a Record of Action form.

Grant: After we identify the best option & document the process, we will grant either an interim or long-term accommodation via a UA Letter of Accommodation. Expect an accommodation determination within two weeks of an initial request.

Check-In: We'll try and check in with employee & supervisor to ensure that the accommodation is still working for all. If an accommodation isn't working, we're happy to help fix it or find something else that does.

Keep it going!: Keeping lines of communication open are critical - keep the conversation going between HR, employee, and supervisor!

Please see attached for a graphic of this process. 

Need additional help or have questions?

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Article ID: 857
Wed 6/15/22 12:45 PM
Mon 4/1/24 8:25 PM

