This article provides instructions on how to find the Course ID for a Course in the UAA Learning Management System (LMS).
What materials do I need?
- You must have access to use the Learning Management System (LMS)
- A device with a Internet access and a supported web browser
How do I use this technology?
- Open a web browser.
- Navigate to UA Learning Management System (Blackboard).
- Login using your UA Username and password or for a UAA non-standard Account use your Blackboard credentials
- Go to the Courses list by clicking on the Courses option in the menu bar on the left.

- Navigate to the Course you want the Course ID for in your list of Courses.
- Find the Course ID above the Name of the course. It is best identified because it will not have any spaces. Instead it will have "_" where you might see a space.

Is there any additional information I should know about?
For most courses, the Course ID will look like SUB_A000_CRN_YearSM. SUB is the general course subject such as ART or MATH. A000 will be the actual course number with A being an Anchorage course, F being a Fairbanks course, and S being a South East course. CRN is the five-digit course request number. Year is the four digit year. SM is the two digit semester code, 01 for Spring, 02 for Summer, and 03 for Fall.
For development shells and other manually created Blackboard shells, the Course ID doesn't have a standard format. It is for these courses, that the ability to look up the Course ID is of the most use.
Need additional help or have issues
For additional assistance contact the IT Services Technical Support Center or you Request Support and create a Ticket for the Learning Management System (LMS).