Merging Tickets in Enterprise Service Management



In scenarios where duplicate tickets are requested by the same individual/department, are identical in scope, and are active at the same time, then these redundant tickets should be merged into a single ticket to track the effort associated with completing the requested work. The ticket with the earliest creation date will be retained, and the duplicative tickets merged into it.


Merging a ticket will reassociate the following items from the source ticket to the destination ticket:

  • Feed entries
  • Attachments
  • Assets/CIs
  • Alerts
  • Time types
  • Expense accounts
  • Time entries
  • Expense entries
  • Source Control Events

After these items have been reassociated, the source ticket will be deleted. This will discard read-by information and any fields on the source ticket, although a feed entry containing the title and description of the source ticket will be written to the destination ticket.

If a ticket has been converted to a project task, it cannot be merged. Similarly, tickets cannot be merged into other tickets that have been converted to project tasks.

If the "Add Requestor as Contact" option is checked, the requestor of the source ticket will be added as a contact on the destination ticket.

If the "Move ticket tasks" option is checked, any ticket tasks on the source ticket will be reassociated and can be worked on as normal. If this option is left unchecked, it will reassociate any feed items and time entries on the ticket tasks, but the tasks themselves will be discarded.

If the "Notify responsible resource" option is checked, the responsible individual/group will be notified. If there is no responsible resource, the reviewing individual/group will be notified.

A merge cannot be undone! Once you go through this process, and click the Save button the original source ticket will be deleted and cannot be undeleted. Make sure the duplicate ticket you're going to merge into another is the correct one before proceeding.
When merging tickets the newer ticket(s), in almost all cases, is merged into the older ticket. Not the other way around. In most business cases department's want to retain the first ticket created about the topic, not one of the newer ones.

What materials do I need?

  • Web Browser
  • TDNext license

How do I use this technology?

  1. Open the ticket you want to merge into another ticket, the one you want to get rid of.

    ESM Ticket Details
  2. Click Actions.

    ESM Ticket Details Actions button highlighted
  3. Select Merge Into.

    ESM Ticket Details - Actions menu Merge Into highlighted
  4. In the Merge window that opens, enter Ticket ID # of ticket you want to merge into, the ticket you want to keep.

    ESM Merge Service Request window

    Alternatively click the Lookup button to open a search window that can be used to search for the desired destination ticket.

    ESM Merge Ticket Lookup button highlighted
  5. Optionally, select Add Requestor as a Contact. If selected, the requestor of the source ticket will be added as a contact on the destination ticket.

    ESM Merge Ticket add requestor check box selected
  6. Select Move Ticket Tasks.

    ESM Merge Ticket Move Ticket Tasks
  7. Select Notify Responsible Resource.

    ESM Merge Ticket Move Ticket Tasks & Notify Responsible Resource options selected
  8. Click Save.

    ESM Merge Ticket Save button highlighted

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the Enterprise Service Management service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the UAA Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 592
Fri 7/2/21 1:07 PM
Fri 3/1/24 2:54 PM