Course Copy using Learning Management System (Blackboard)



This document demonstrates the procedure to perform a course copy in Learning Management System (Blackboard)

The instructor must be the instructor in both the course being copied and the destination course.


What materials do I need?

While Blackboard Learn is available on all modern browsing platforms, some features are not fully supported by all browsers. For this reason, the following browsers are recommended for the best Blackboard Learn experience:

To check if your browser is supported, and for which features, navigate to the Blackboard Learn Browser Checker page


How do I use this technology?

  1. Logon to Blackboard at
  2. Look at your Course list and find the destination course.
  3. Copy the Course ID of the destination course. Step 7 will ask for the destination course, you'll paste this item there.

    Blackboard course ID
  4. Click on the course you want to copy from.( e.g., UAA_TSC_Test1 )
  5. Click on Packages and Utilities, this is located in the Course Menu > Course Management > Packages and Utilities

    BB Packages and Utililties
  6. Click on Course copy

    BB Course Copy
  7. In the box next to Destination Course ID, put the course ID of the destination course ( e.g., UAA_TSC_Test2 ). This is the course ID you copied in step 2

    BB Destination Course
  8. Either click Select All button or choose the boxes that need to be copied over to the new course.

    BB Select Course Materials


    Do not put a checkmark in the box next to: Include Enrollments in the Copy. Doing so copies student enrollment data into the new class.

    Course Copy don't include Enrollments
  9. Click Submit

    BB Submit

    This will show the course copy progress

     BB Copy action
  10. Go to the course the items are being copied into. It will show the course copy is running

    BB Copy running
  11. When the copy completes the following message will appear, Confirm the data has been copied into the new course

    BB  Copy Complete


Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the Learning Management System (LMS) service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact IT page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 626
Thu 8/12/21 5:13 PM
Tue 7/26/22 7:48 PM