Stay Organized with Report Folders


Information on how individuals with ESM access to setup and use report folders to manage reports in the TDNext interface.



Organizations can create a lot of reports, which can become difficult to manage. Report folders work alongside report visibility to make it easy for an organization to manage reports they’ve built.

Report folders are available in all the applications that include report sources. This includes the Analysis, Assets/CIs, Ticketing, Projects, Portfolio Planning, and Resource Management applications.

Report folders created by people appear below the default folders in the left navigation of each application, and they appear in the Analysis application on the Reports page. A report folder can contain reports from different report sources, as long as the sources come from the same application.

This article describes the steps to set up and manage report folders.

In this article:

What materials do I need?

  • Internet access
  • Web Browser
  • TDNext access
  • Access to desired application

Where to Find This

Report folders can be created, managed, and viewed in TDNext within the following applications, Analysis, Assets/CIs, Portfolio Planning, Projects, Resource Management, and Ticketing.

Create a Report Folder

Method 1: Create a Folder from Top Navigation of Ticketing Application

  1. Login to ESM TDNext.
  2. Click Applications menu.
  3. Click desired ticketing application (i.e. UAA IT).
  4. In the top navigation, click + Report.
  5. In the drop-down menu, click Report Folder.
  6. In the New Report Folder dialog, do the following:
    1. In the Name field enter a short descriptive title.
    2. In the Description field, enter a brief description of the general purpose of the reports saved within this folder.
    3. If desired, set the Order. Folders are displayed first by Favorite, then Order, and finally by Name.
    4. If desired, set the Favorite. Favorited folders will always be at the top of the folder list.
    5. Under Set the visibility of this folderselect if the folder should be just visible to you (the creator), or to other groups.
  7. Click Save.

Method 2: Create a Folder within Report Builder in any Application

  1. Login to ESM TDNext.
  2. Click Applications menu.
  3. Click the desired application (i.e. Projects).
  4. In the top navigation menu, click + New.
  5. In the drop-down menu, click Report Folder.
  6. In the New Report Folder dialog, do the following:
    1. In the Name field enter a short descriptive title.
    2. In the Description field, enter a brief description of the general purpose of the reports saved within this folder.
    3. If desired, set the Order. Folders are displayed first by Favorite, then Order, and finally by Name.
    4. If desired, set the Favorite. Favorited folders will always be at the top of the folder list.
    5. Under Set the visibility of this folderselect if the folder should be just visible to you (the creator), or to other groups.
  7. Click Save.

Method 3: Create a Folder from Top Navigation in any Application Other than Ticketing

  1. Login to ESM TDNext.
  2. Click Applications menu.
  3. Click the desired application (i.e. Projects).
  4. In the top navigation menu, click + New.
  5. In the drop-down menu, click Report Folder.
  6. In the New Report Folder dialog, do the following:
    1. In the Name field enter a short descriptive title.
    2. In the Description field, enter a brief description of the general purpose of the reports saved within this folder.
    3. If desired, set the Order. Folders are displayed first by Favorite, then Order, and finally by Name.
    4. If desired, set the Favorite. Favorited folders will always be at the top of the folder list.
    5. Under Set the visibility of this folderselect if the folder should be just visible to you (the creator), or to other groups.
  7. Click Save.

Add a Report to a Report Folder

To add a report to a folder in the report builder

  1. Login to ESM TDNext.
  2. Click Applications menu.
  3. Click desired application (i.e. UAA IT).
  4. Either:
    • Locate an existing report, and select Actions > Edit.
    • Create a new report
  5. Scroll down to Choose a report folder section.
  6. From the drop-down menu, select the desired folder.
  7. Save the report.


Managing Report Folders

Every application with custom reports includes a Reports summary page. This is where you can see an manage reports and report folders.

You will only see reports that you have created, or have been made visible to you. Application Admins can view all reports by accessing TDAdmin and going to Saved Reports.

Access the Reports Page

  1. Within ESM TDNext, access the desired application.
  2. Click the Reports button.

Show, or Hide Reports Folder from Left Navigation

  1. Within ESM TDNext, access the desired application.
  2. Click the Reports button.
  3. Scroll down to the desired folder.
  4. In the Show in Navigator column, check, or uncheck the checkbox.
  5. At the top of the screen, click Save​​​​​​​.


Delete a Report Folder

You can only delete folders that you own! Once you delete a report folder it can not be undone; however, you can recreate the folder.


If you delete a report folder that contains any reports, the reports will be moved to their "default location." For ticketing applications this is the Ticket Reports folder.


  1. Within ESM TDNext, access the desired application.
  2. Click the Reports button.
  3. Scroll down to the desired folder.

    Enterprise Service Management Ticketing App Reports list example
  4. Click the Delete button.

    Enterprise Service Management delete report folder button highlighted
  5. A dialog box will appear with the message Are you sure you want to delete this report folder? Any reports within will be moved to their default location. This action cannot be undoneVerify you're deleting the correct folder, then click Ok.

    Enterprise Service Management delete report folder confirmation dialog window
  6. The specified report folder has now been successfully deleted.


Gotchas & Pitfalls

  • Once a report is added to a folder, it will appear in that folder for any person who can view the folder. If the person can’t view the folder or a report is not assigned a report folder, the report will display in the default for the report source. 
  • Only the owner/creator of the folder can manage it's access permissions.
  • Report folders are sorted by the order that the reports were added to the folder.

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Enterprise Service Management form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 1417
Tue 2/14/23 12:51 PM
Thu 2/16/23 1:38 PM