Customizing Reports


Information on how individuals with Enterprise Service Management (ESM) access can customize reports.



The University of Alaska (UA) Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system has many standard reports; however, when you want more specific results custom reports provide a way to modify, configure, and set criteria for granular data specific to the business needs.

Custom reports can be created and customized from the following applications:

  • Ticketing (e.g. UAA IT, UA OIT, etc.)
  • Portfolio Planning
  • Assets
  • Projects
  • Time and Expense
  • Capacity Planning and Resource Management

The data from each application constitutes a separate report source. Custom reports can also be created from the Analysis application.

When creating a new custom report, each column will pull data from the chosen report source. The columns and filters will vary, depending on the source. Reports can only show data from a single report source. For more information on the columns, values, and filters available in each report, click the Help button in the toolbar.


In this article:

What materials do I need?

  • Internet access
  • Web Browser
  • TDNext access
  • Access to desired application

Selecting Columns

The fields that will be available will vary depending on the type of report you are creating (e.g. Knowledge Base ReportTicket ReportTicket Tasks Report, etc.) Within any Ticket report, key performance indicator (KPI) calculations are available. For selected report columns, you can optionally select a way to aggregate the data at the bottom of the report. Available options are average, minimum, maximum, and sum.


Certain columns, particularly those that are calculated durations, are updated as part of a nightly process and may not be up-to-date. Operational time durations are affected by operational hours, days off, and weekends. Absolute time durations are not affected by such periods.


  1. Select all desired fields you would like to see on the report.
  2. Remove any unwanted default fields.
  3. Drag-and-drop the fields into the desired order by using the sort handle icon.


Click the Help button to see information about available fields, including descriptions (if available), as well as details on if they are selectablefilterablechart value type (e.g. numeric, date).



Filtering Data

The values available for filtering include all the standard ESM fields, as well as any custom attributes for the application, key performance indicator (KPI) calculations. Once a field is selected in the Column drop-down menu, you'll be able to select an Operator to refine retrieved rows. Operators vary depending on the data type. For example, a numeric field could have equalsless thangreater than as some of the options, whereas a text field could have equalscontains, doesn't containstarts with, etc. Operator and Value choices are set for each selected field.

Additionally, with regards to report filters:

  • Not all Column options will be available for every type of report. The Operator and Value column will populate when a Column value is selected so the available options are appropriate for the data type. This is where you refine the report results matching specific criteria.
  • The Prompt checkbox on the right side of each filter row allows for on-the-fly editing of the filter at the top of the report.
  • If multiple filters are selected, you can use the advanced filtering options to set Boolean AND or OR filters. The boolean filters use the numbers found under the number (i.e. #) column in the filter rows.

    For example, a ticketing report with "(1 OR 2) AND 3" would generate a report with tickets that include criteria 1 OR 2, so long as either 1 OR 2 also include filter #3 (AND 3). Another way of writing this report could be "(1 AND 3) OR (2 AND 3)".



Ordering Report

To set how the results of the report will be ordered specify one, or more columns to sort by. Each column can be set to order in either ascending or descending order. When multiple Order columns are select, it will sort the report first by the first attribute, then the second, and so on.

Only fields that have been added in the Select the columns you would like to see section will be available for sort. Note: you may need to first save the report, and then edit it in order to see all field options.


Row Retrieval

All reports, by default, will retrieve a maximum of 500 records that meet the specified filtering criteria. This can be increased, or decreased by changing the value in the Maximum rows field. the largest number the system current supports is 50,000 results.



The returned data can be displayed as a chart if desired. Currently the system supports the following chart types:

  • Bar (Horizontal)
  • Bar (Vertical)
  • Line
  • Pie
  • Gnatt
Each report supports one, and only one, chart. If you want to display multiple charts to represent a data set. Create multiple reports, with each report charting a specific component of the desired data. Then combined all the separate reports into a Desktop to achieve the desired result.

Once a chart type is selected, configure the options (e.g. Name, Value).


Desktop Delivery

If the report is to be primarily displayed/used via a Desktop, select if the data should be displayed as a Grid (table of columns) or a Chart. This option appears even if there is no chart configured.

When displayed within a Desktop, Reports will either display a table/grid view or a chart of the report results. It is not possible to show both the grid and chart in a single report within a Desktop.


Email Delivery

It is possible to schedule a report to be automatically sent to one, or more recipients by email at regular intervals by configuring the Email Delivery options.

Emailed report delivery is managed by a server-side process job which runs at 15 minute intervals. A report delivery could take between 15-30 minutes depending on when the delivery configuration is created and the timing of the last processor job.


Any person with access to the ESM TDNext application can receive reports via email delivery. Email delivery is not intended as a means of sending automated reports to customers (i.e. people that only have access to the Service/Client Portal).


  1. Click Add.
  2. In the Add Delivery Schedule do the following:
    1. Under Interval select DailyWeekly, or MonthlyWeekly, and Monthly intervals have the following options
      • Weekly: Select day of week (i.e. Mon., Tue., etc.)
      • Monthly: Select day of month (i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc.)
    2. In the Time field specify the time of day the report should be sent.
    3. In the Format field select the type of file that should be sent. Options currently are Excel, PDF, or HTML.
    4. In the Recipients field, specify one, or more people/contacts within the ESM People list.
    5. If the report has no data/results determine if the report should be sent anyways.
    6. Check or Uncheck the Active checkbox to determine if the report should be sent or not.
  3. Click Save.


If the first interval includes today and the time has already occurred, the report will be delivered the next time a date and time matches the interval. If the first interval includes today and the time has not occurred yet, the report will be delivered today but it may take up to 15 minutes after the interval time to be delivered.


Gotchas & Pitfalls

  • When creating a report, start out with some general criteria and then fine-tune your results as needed. By starting out with complex, detailed criteria, it is possible to overlook simple operational errors and end up with a report that generates no results. Start broad, then narrow it down.
  • If your report does return zero results, try removing one or more criteria at a time to broaden your search. Start with the most complex filter. Once the report is populating results again, return to fine-tuning the report criteria. This can be an effective way of troubleshooting finicky report criteria to get good granular data.
  • Not all columns can make use of all aggregate options. If the column you selected does not populate its aggregate correctly, it could be because of the data being aggregated, not the aggregation feature itself.
  • Individuals must have access to the application that a report was created in to be able to add it to their desktop. For instance, to add a report created in Analysis to your desktop, you need to have permission to the Analysis application.


Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Enterprise Service Management form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 1418
Tue 2/14/23 1:30 PM
Thu 2/16/23 3:12 PM