Modify a Scheduled Ticket


This article outlines how modify scheduled tickets for managing routine, reoccurring work on a specified cycle.



Scheduled tickets can be configured within an Enterprise Service Management (ESM) Ticketing Application so that routine work items can have tickets automatically created. This allows individuals to easily track common work, such as routine maintenance activities. As work requirements change, scheduled tickets may need to be updated in the system so that the ticket contents/schedule remains up to date.

Only the owners of Scheduled Tickets can update/modify them.

What materials do I need?

  • Internet access
  • Web Browser
  • Access to TDNext

How do I use this technology?

To edit existing scheduled tickets:

  1. App Admins, login to UA ESM system, as the ticketing application's service account.
  2. In TDNextclick Applications, then select a Ticketing Application.
  3. Click the Settings on the right side of the toolbar.
  4. Click the My Schedules option from the dropdown menu. 
  5. Select the schedule to be modified by clicking on the Name.
  6. Click Edit and modify the desired fields.
  7. Click Save.

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Enterprise Service Management form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 1452
Wed 3/15/23 6:53 PM
Mon 3/27/23 6:23 PM