Kaltura allows Faculty to add or embed rich media content to their courses, including assignments, discussions, and quizzes. This guide is to help show Faculty how to embed a Kaltura Video in their Learning Management System (Blackboard) Ultra Course.
What materials do I need?
- A Blackboard-supported web browser.
- While Blackboard Learn is available on all modern browsing platforms, some features are not fully supported by all browsers. To check if your browser is supported, and for which features, navigate to the Blackboard Learn Browser Checker page. The following browsers are recommended for the best Blackboard Learn experience.
- UA Username
- Current UA password
- Instructor Access to Blackboard course
- Kaltura Media Space
- Learning Management System (Blackboard)
How do I use this technology?
- Login to Learning Management System (Blackboard)
- Click on the course you wish to add the Kaltura Video to
- In Course Content, Click on the Plus Icon
- Click on Content Market
- From the list given, Search and click on UAA Kaltura - Browse, Search, and Embed
- Find the Video to be input into the course
- Click Embed
- The Kaltura Video will show at the top of the Course Content
Is there any additional information I should know about?
The Instructional Media Studio in LIB 210 at the UAA/APU Consortium Library can provide support for faculty who need assistance with video content for courses, including resolving issues with Kaltura. You can reach the Studio by email or by phone.
You can also book an appointment easily with the Studio's online calendar. The studio is generally open and available for walk-ins or appointments (either in person or over Zoom) weekdays from 9-4. Appointments outside of regular hours may be available by individual request.
When you contact them, please provide the following information:
- Your name
- The course ID
- Brief description of the issue
- Do we have permission to access your course to help with this issue?
Need additional help or have issues
For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Learning Management System (LMS) form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by UAA Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.
For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.