Individuals can customize the voicemail greeting associated with their assigned university telephone number.
Cisco Unity Connection allows individuals to define Standard, Alternate, Busy, Internal, Closed and Holiday greetings.
- Alternate - This can be used for out-of-office greetings. You can put an end date on this greeting. After the end date, your greeting will return to your standard greeting
- Busy - This greeting will be heard when your line is busy.
- Internal - This greeting will be heard by other individuals on the UAA Cisco system.
- Closed - Don't use this. We do not have closed hours in the voicemail system as some university positions are staffed after standard hours. Therefore, there is no reason to record these greetings as they will never be heard.
- Standard - This is the default greeting that will be heard if you do not record any of the other options
- Holiday - Don't use this. We do not have closed hours in the voicemail system as some university positions are staffed on holidays. Therefore, there is no reason to record these greetings as they will never be heard.
Please note that a caller will be able to leave a message no matter which greeting is active. Preventing an individual from leaving a message is not configurable by users. If you need to prevent callers from leaving a message, a voicemail administrator can configure that for you. Please contact the UAA Technical Support Center at least one week in advance.
In this article:
What materials do I need?
- A web browser such as Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet access
- UA username and password
- Off or on-campus office phone
How do I use this technology?
Method 1 - UAA VoIP Web Portal
- Open a web browser and go to UAA VoIP web portal.
- Log in with your UA username and password.

- Click Settings.

- A new tab will open.

- Click Greetings.

- Click View Greetings.

- Select the desired greeting to be managed. In this example, the alternate greeting is chosen.

- Under the Status section, select Enabled until.

- Set an expiration date and time for the greeting to be disabled.

- Under the Callers Hear section, select My Personal Recording.

- The greeting can be recorded using the Media Player. The default recording method is via the computer. You can switch to using a telephone but it will switch back to the default method between sessions. For more information on using the Cisco Media Player, see Cisco VoIP Voicemail Media Player article.

- The Callers See section can be ignored, this is for organizations that deploy video phones.
- Click the Save button.
Method 2 - Call from an off or on-campus phone
- From an off-campus phone, dial 907-786-7299, or from an on-campus phone, dial extension 67299 instead.
- When the voice recording begins to play, immediately press
- It will now ask you for your ID. Dial your phone extension (not your UA ID number) then
- Phone extension is the last 5 numbers of your office phone number. Example: 786-4646 would be 64646.
- It will now ask you for your voicemail PIN. Dial your extension's voicemail pin then
- When another voice recording begins to play, immediately press
(four) to go to the Setup Options menu.
- Press
(two) to change your voicemail greeting.
- Continue to follow the audio prompts.
Need additional help or have issues
For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Questions or Assistance with Telephone form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by UAA Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.
For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.