What is 25Live and How do I use it for Room/Event Scheduling?


Discover the UAA Scheduling & Space Management System for the University of Alaska Anchorage used by the Anchorage, Kodiak, Mat-Su and Prince William Sound campuses.


What is this article about?

25Live provides a central scheduling system for the University of Alaska Anchorage. It is currently used for scheduling by most Anchorage Campus departments, Kodiak, Mat-Su & Prince William Sound campuses. It allows students and employees across the UA System to, 

  • See information and availability of University spaces, equipment and services. Can be seen on screen or via built in reports.
  • Request/Reserve spaces on the Anchorage, Kodiak, Mat-Su & Prince William Sound campuses. Ability to request/reserve a spaces depends on how it has been setup by the department that schedules it. 
  • Publish events and important dates to the various University web calendars. This includes the Calendars on the Seawolf email publications.
  • Reserve UAA ITS AV Equipment and Services. This includes technical assistance before your event.
  • Request equipment and services from Conference Services. Fees vary depending on equipment and services requested.
  • Request Parking Fees to be waived in Parking Lots and Garages during your event, fees apply.
  • Some other departments have equipment specifically for use in their rooms that can also be Requested.

How do I use this technology?

Anyone with an active UA Login has access, to request support or get a link to the application got to the UAA Scheduling and Space Management System (SSMS) Service page. For self help for using this application go to the User Help section.

Benefits of Using 25Live for Scheduling Spaces, Equipment and Services

It allows departments to schedule spaces, equipment and services; generate invoices; publish to and generate web calendars; and populate electronic signs. 25Live can be customized in many different ways making it adaptable to many different scheduling needs. One system for everything you need including requesting spaces, equipment and services from other departments.

12 Reasons to use 25Live

  1. Its free, 25Live is the software chosen by the Vice Chancellor for tracking the use of University spaces. It is paid for by his office, maintained by UAA IT Services and made available to departments for free.
  2. Easily schedule the use of your rooms around the UAOnline Courses. The Course schedules import into 25Live from Banner. Any changes to classes in Banner are updated into 25Live every 5 minutes. Final Exams are also scheduled using 25Live so as soon as they are scheduled by the Registrar's Office the room reservations are in 25Live.
  3. Get notified by email if a UAOnline course has been moved into your space during a time you had schedule something else to use the space. The 25Live interface with Banner sends an email to the scheduler on the event when email a course is imported into that room. (University policy for all spaces is that Courses have priority use of space for all meetings that are required for students to attend.)
  4. UPD uses 25Live to determine when building and rooms need to be unlocked and locked. By entering your event in 25Live you are already notifying UPD that the building needs to be open. This also helps ensure that UPD knows what is going on across campus.
  5. Publish interactive calendars to web pages. You can create any number of calendars based on event searches in 25Lived. These calendars can be added to any webpage using numerous styles and formatting options. They have many ways for users to subscribe to them, learn more by watching the  25Live Web Features Video. Get Provost and Registrar Dates & Deadlines automatically added to your web calendar when they are added into 25Live.
  6. Create and manage workflow for your events. 25Live can automatically generate tasks to other users across the system this includes, publish to web calendars.
  7. When your rooms are not available when you need one, easily request a space from other departments.
  8. Request Equipment and Services from other departments all in one place.
  9. Allow users across campus to request the use of specific spaces when they are not in use. You control what spaces can be requested and you accept or deny those requests. This cuts down on the time you spend entering and editing events by requiring the requestors to give you all the information needed and all you have to do is approve or deny their request. Requesters cannot request your spaces if they are already reserved or closed.
  10. Setup pricing to generate Invoices for the use of your rooms & resources.
  11. Publish room schedules or events to electronic signs.
  12. It is used to generate space utilization reports by Facilities. The reports generated by Outlook and Google Calendars are not adequate for this purpose. If the use of a space is not in 25Live, Facilities usage reports will show that the space is not being used.

Examples of Current Uses

  • UAA University Police Department, to know what is going on around campus and when buildings need unlocked outside of normal hours.
  • UAA Facilities, to generate space Utilization reports.
  • UAA Advancement, to generate the web calendars seen from the Calendars quick link on the UAA website.
  • Many departments and campuses, to generate both public and private web calendars.
  • UAA Health Science Building to populate the display on the electronic room signs.
  • Scheduling UAOnline Course Final Exams for the Anchorage, Mat-Su & Prince William Sound Campuses.
  • UAA Registrar's Office to schedule, classes in the centrally scheduled & departmentally controlled general teaching classrooms.
  • Conference Services for scheduling spaces, equipment and services.
  • UAA IT Services, both AV & Desktop employees use 25Live to help plan upgrades to room equipment when they are not in use. Allows them to reserve of rooms for need upgrades and service to equipment.

Get Access to do More in 25Live

Everyone with a valid UA Login starts with access to request spaces and resources that departments have setup for anyone to request. Depending on your affiliation to the University you may be able to get additional permissions. 

To Schedule Spaces, Equipment and/or Services

If the spaces are already setup for scheduling in 25Live, contact the person who is responsible for your department’s setup in 25Live. If you do not know who that is, contact the System Administrator.

If the spaces have never been setup to be scheduled in 25live you will need to go through the setup process. Since 25Live is highly customizable the System Administrator needs information from you to make sure we get you setup the way you want. To get started or schedule a demo for your department contact the System Administrator.

To Create a Web Calendar

If your department already uses 25Live for room scheduling, contact the person who is responsible for your department’s setup in 25Live. If you do not know who this is, contact the System Administrator.

If your department does not schedule rooms in 25Live, e-mail the System Administrator. Make sure to include information about what you want to go on the calendar and if you want events to go through an approval process before they appear on the calendar.

Interface with Other Software

If you would like to connect 25Live with another software please email the below information to the System Administrator.

  • The software to interface with, preferably a link to the software vendor or the software itself.
  • What is the software used for?
  • What type of interface do you want?
  • What information are you wanting to send/receive?

Is there any additional information I should know about?

For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the Scheduling & Space Management System (SSMS) service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 39
Tue 10/8/19 1:17 PM
Tue 5/23/23 7:02 PM

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The Scheduling & Space Management System (SSMS) for the University of Alaska Anchorage. Used for the managing events; scheduling locations and resources; publishing to web calendars, other tasks or approval for events; and analytics reports for any of those activities. It is currently used for scheduling by most Anchorage Campus departments, Kodiak, Mat-Su & Prince William Sound campuses.