Asset Attribute Definitions



Within the Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system a wide variety of assets types are tracked ranging from computer equipment (e.g. laptops, desktops, etc.) to office furniture. While these diverse asset types do have several attributes in common, they also have unique attributes that are only applicable/relevant to that specific type of asset. According, forms have been created which presents fields specific to each asset type, as well as fields common to all types. These attributes/fields are documented below and are grouped by their respective classifications.

  • Common: Lists attributes that are applicable to most types of items tracked in the asset management system.
  • Information Technology: Lists attributes that are applicable to IT related assets. Since there is a large range of asset types (e.g. equipment, software, services, etc.) the IT Equipment Type attribute allows for selecting a classification which will filter the displayed attributes.
  • Vehicle: Lists attributes that are applicable to Vehicle related assets.

In this article:

Common Attributes

The following attributes are available to all types of assets stored within the ESM Assets/CIs system. When editing an asset record all common attributes fields will be displayed; however, only those attributes with values set will be displayed when reviewing an asset record. Not all attributes displayed in the edit/create view will be used with all asset records.

Common Asset Attributes
Attribute Attribute Description
Account, Current The four (4) digit revenue or expense classification associated with the asset's current use. If the asset has not been transferred to another department, the value in this field should match the Purchase Account field.
Account, Purchase The four (4) digit revenue or expense classification associated with the asset's purchase.
Asset Condition Specify the asset condition at the time of an inventory audit. The list of possible values align with options within the Banner FFVACON table.
Attachments Allows related documentation to be associated with the asset. For example purchasing documentation, property transfer forms, property disposal forms, etc.
Acquisition Date The date the asset was acquired.
Department Property Tag A department assigned property number. Note this is different from the University of Alaska property tag, if issued, for the asset.
Excepted Replacement Date The date the asset is expected to be replaced.
External ID The external ID of an asset used to map it to its equivalent object in an external data source (e.g. JAMF, MECM). This field must be left blank for any record that is manually created within the system and will not be synced with an authoritative data source.
Fund, Current The six (6) digit fund number of the department that currently owns/is responsible for the asset. If the asset has not been transferred to another department, the value in this field should match the Purchase Fund field.
Fund, Purchase The six (6) digit fund number used to originally purchase the item.
Is Depreciable Indicates if the asset is a depreciable property for accounting purposes to book depreciation in accordance to UA and IRS rules. Depreciable property can include vehicles, real estate (except land), computers, and office equipment, machinery, etc.
Location The actual/physical location of the asset.
Location Room If a Location is defined this optional field will be displayed and allows the ability to define a space (such as a room number) where the asset is located.
Name The name of the asset. UAA IT equipment must follow UAA's Device Naming Conventions.
Org, Current The five (5) digit org number of the department that is currently responsible/owns the item. If the asset has not been transferred to another department, the value in this field should match the Purchase Org field.
Org, Purchase The five (5) digit org number associated with the asset's purchase.
Owner Also known as Assigned To. This is the person that the asset is currently issued, or loaned, to. In some cases this value may be blank if the asset has not been assigned, or checked out, to a specific person.
Owning Acct/Dept The current department that is the primary owner of the asset.
Parent Asset An optional field used to link an asset that is a sub-component (child) of another asset (parent).
Police Report If an asset's retired method was defined as "Stolen" this optional field is displayed where the police report number can be record.
Product Model Link to a product model, allowing for easy report/inventory management.
Purchase Cost How much the asset cost at the time of purchase.
Retired Method Records the method by which the asset was retired (e.g. Disposed, Donated, Recycled, etc.)
Serial Number The identification number of the asset as defined by the product manufacturer. This could be a serial number, vehicle identification number (VIN), IMEI, or similar unique number.
Status Records the status of the asset (e.g. On Order, In Use, Surplused, etc.)
Supplier The company the asset was purchased from. This typically defaults to the producer associated with the product model, and in most cases will need to be changed.
UA Property Tag The University of Alaska assigned property number.
Purchased Method A drop-down menu used to indicate how the item was purchased (e.g. Journal Voucher, ProCard, Purchase Order).
Purchase Order No. If the Purchase Method field was set to "Purchase Order" this field will be displayed to record the purchase order number.
Verified By The person who last verified the asset inventory.
Verified Date The date the item was last physically located, and inventory status updated.


Information Technology Attributes

The following attributes are available on the IT Asset form used to create Information Technology related assets within the ESM Assets/CIs system. When creating/editing an asset record the specific IT attributes fields that are displayed are dependent upon the value selected in the IT Equipment Type field. For example, if Display is selected from the list fields such as Boot Drive FormatProcessor Type, Operating System and other related computer specific fields will not be displayed. As with common attributes, only those attributes with values set will be displayed when reviewing an asset record. Not all attributes displayed in the edit/create view will be used with all asset records.

IT Asset Attributes
Attribute Attribute Description
Activation Lock Indicates if activation lock is enabled, or disabled on the device.
Boot Drive Capacity (MB) The capacity of the boot drive in megabytes.
Boot Drive Format Describes the formatting type of the boot drive (e.g. NTFS, FAT, FAT32, HFS+, APFS, etc.)
Boot Drive Encrypted Indicates if the boot drive is encrypted (i.e. Apple FileVault, Windows Bitlocker)
Boot Drive Percentage Full Decimal value indicating how much of the boot drive is used.
Boot Drive S.M.A.R.T. Status Reports the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) status of the boot drive.
Cellular Carrier The provider of wireless communications services for the mobile phone, tablet, and/or cellular enabled computer.
Cellular Network The name of the cellular network (e.g. AT&T, GCI, etc.) the device was last reported on.
Device Purpose Indicates the primary purpose of the IT asset.
Device Telephone Number The telephone number assigned to the cell phone, tablet, or other device by the cellular provider.
Directory Status Indicates if computer device is bound to a Directory domain such as Active Directory (macOS / Windows), or G Suite (Chrome OS).
Is Loaner Device Indicates if the equipment is part of a loaner program for either staff, faculty, or students.
Is Virtual Machine Indicates if the device is a virtualized desktop/server system.
IT Equipment Type A drop-down list used to help classify the type of asset. The classification allows for displaying of attributes applicable to the item type.
IMEI An optional field that stores the International Mobile Equipment Identity 15-digit number assigned to a mobile device by the manufacture.
IMEI2 An optional field that stores a secondary International Mobile Equipment Identity 15-digit number assigned to a mobile device by the manufacture.
Last Check-in Indicates when the device last reported into the UA Endpoint Management System (e.g. JAMF, or SCCM).
Last User Indicates the last reported user of the system as reported by the UA Endpoint Management system (e.g. JAMF, or SCCM).
Lost Mode Indicates if lock mode has been enabled, or disabled on the device.
Lost Mode Enabled Date Stores the timestamp of when lost mode was enabled on a device.
MEID The Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) is a globally unique number identifying a physical piece of CDMA2000 mobile station equipment. In a practical terms, it can be seen as an IMEI with hexadecimal digits.
Memory Installed (MB) Total amount of RAM, in megabytes, installed in the device.
# Memory Slots Number of RAM slots available on the logic board.
Network Interface Count Indicates the number of network interface controllers (NIC) configured on the device.
NIC X MAC Address Records the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the network interface controller. One or more of these fields may be displayed based upon the value defined in the Network Interface Count attribute. Up to a maximum of seven (7) values may be defined.
NIC X IP Address The Internet Protocol (IP) address of the network interface controller. One or more of these fields may be displayed based upon the value defined in the Network Interface Count attribute. Up to a maximum of seven (7) values may be defined.
Operating System Indicates the common name (e.g. macOS, Windows, iOS, iPadOS, Chrome OS) of the operating system installed on a device.
Operating System Name Indicates the common marketing name (e.g. Catalina, Big Sur, Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 Pro Tablet Edition) of the operating system installed on the device.
Operating System Version The version number of the operating system installed on the device (e.g. 10.15.7, etc.)
Operating System Build The build number of the operating system installed on the device (e.g. 16G1510, 2009).
Optical Drive The type of optical drive installed, if any, on the device.
Printer Duplex Indicates if the printing device supports duplex (two-sided) printing.
Printer Has Internal Drive Indicates if the printing device has an internal storage drive.
Printer Internal Drive Capacity (GB) Indicates the storage capacity of the internal storage drive if present.
Printer Language Indicates the type of printer languages the device supports.
Printer Tray X Size Indicates the print device current tray paper size configuration. One or more of these fields may be displayed based upon the value defined in the Printer Tray Count attribute. Up to a maximum of seven (5) values may be defined.
Printer Tray Count Indicates the number of printer trays available on the device.
Processor Architecture The type of processor architecture for the CPU (e.g. x86_64, x64, PPC, ARM, etc.)
Processor Type The type of processor in the device (e.g. Intel Core i5, Intel Quad-Core Core i5).
Processor Speed (MHz) The base clock speed of the processor.
Processor Number The number of physical processors (not cores) in the device.
Processor Cores The number of processor cores within a physical processor.
Regulatory Compliance A multi-choice field used to indicate which specification, policy, standard, or law the asset must conform to.
Service Location The UA campus where the asset primarily receives service/repair work.
Software Host Type An optional field displayed when the IT Equipment Type field is set to Software, and is used to record how the software is hosted/ran.

Vehicle Attributes

The following attributes are available on the Vehicle Asset form used to create vehicle assets within the ESM Assets/CIs system. When creating/editing a vehicle asset, only the specific attributes fields related to vehicles are displayed. As with common attributes, only those attributes with values set will be displayed when reviewing an asset record. Not all attributes displayed in the edit/create view will be used with all asset records.

Vehicle Asset Attributes
Attribute Attribute Description
Color The predominant color of the vehicle.
Vehicle License Plate State The state from which the vehicle's current license plate was issued.
Vehicle Plate Number The license plate number of the vehicle.

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For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 410
Fri 12/4/20 6:42 PM
Fri 3/29/24 7:04 PM