Get Started with Google Groups


Google Groups makes it easy for groups of people to communicate and collaborate. You can invite a group to an event, or share documents with the group.



Google Groups makes it easy for groups of people to communicate and collaborate. You can invite a group to an event, or share documents with the group. Using a group to share your documents, calendar, or site allows you to share with the same set of people without entering each individual's UA Username, email address, every time you want to share something new.


  • Chat: Enjoy conversations with your team. A group can contain one or more topics.
  • Group type: You can select from several different types of groups, depending on the group's purpose, allowing you to tailor the group to better suit its needs.
  • Share files: Easily share files stored in Google Drive, or Google Team Drives with members of a group.


How do I use this technology?

  1. Login to your Google Workspace @ UA account.
  2. Click the Apps menu, then click the Groups icon.

Help Resources


Is there any additional information I should know about?

How do roles and permissions work with Google Groups?

The owner of a group can assign individuals different roles that determine the group tasks those individuals can and can not perform. A group owner can assign an individual as owner, manager, or member of the group.

Can I search for content within a Group?

Yes. Groups supports search operators similar to those supported by Gmail, and individuals can save their most common search queries for future use. You can organize topics by labeling them with tags and update a topic's tags at any time. Individuals can then search and filter topics by those tags.

Can I add members to a Group from outside the University?

Yes. You can add individuals external to the University of Alaska.

Is there a limit to the number of groups a person can be in?

Yes. Each individual has a maximum number of groups they can be a member of. Google Groups uses a concept called Direct and Indirect membership.

Google Groups Membership Limits
Type Description Limit
Direct membership Maximum number of groups a person, or other group, can be a direct member of 2,000
Combined direct and indirect membership Maximum number of groups a person, or other group, can be a direct or indirect member 5,000
If you are the owner, or manager, of a group it counts as two memberships. One as the group member, and one as the owner/manager.


Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime via a ticket using the appropriate Google Workspace @ UA Service form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact IT page for the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 728
Thu 1/6/22 5:45 PM
Mon 8/15/22 6:03 PM