The most up-to-date report on performance evaluation completion can be found in Vista Plus by following these steps:
1. Log into Vista Plus
2. Select HR_QUERY_GEN_(campus), HR Statewide group : Human_Resources
3. Click on the Personnel folder, then the Performance Evaluation folder, which contains the following two reports:

The first report lists employees whose paper/PDF evaluation has been completed. The second report displays employees who were evaluated using the myUA electronic evaluation format.
Vista Plus is accessible by most HR Coordinators (previously known as PPA/CCCs). Please contact your HR Coordinator if you do not have access to view the reports of have questions on the information on the report.
Another option for supervisors who used the electronic format within myUA is to follow these step by step instructions:
- In Google Chrome, log in to using your single sign on credentials.
- In the top navigation ribbon, hover over "My team" and click "Performance evaluations".
- To expand the search results to include past and present evaluations, Click into the "Status:" drop down menu and select "All" from the list, then click "Search".
- Click "View report" for the performance evaluation that you would like to view.
- To print or save as a .PDF, click the printer icon in the upper right hand corner of the document.
*Please note that only full time (pooled PCNs not included) employees will be visible using this retrieval method in myUA at this time. Temporary employees should be visible on the Vista Plus report.
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