W-2 and Tax information

Tags w2

Beginning with CY2024, you will no longer receive both the paper copy and the electronic version of your W2 Form. You must “Consent” to receive the electronic version of this form. You may change your consent at any time. If your electronic consent is active when the paper W2 forms are generated (around mid-January), you will not receive a paper copy. 

The W-2 Form paper copy is mailed annually by January 31 of each year. You will receive the paper copy if you do not “Consent” prior to the W-2 forms being generated.

If you terminate from the University, your consent will be revoked and you will be issued a paper W-2 Form. However, you can “Consent” again to receive it electronically but your consent needs to occur prior to the W2 forms being generated in order to avoid receiving a mailed paper W-2. 

The electronic W-2 is IRS compliant and you can find it in the Employee Dashboard section of UAOnline.

No longer an employee? You can still log on to UAOnline but will likely need to reset your password using the university's login maintenance web site, ELMO


View/Print your W-2 in UAOnline

1. Go to UAOnline at https://uaonline.alaska.edu
2. Select "Log In"
3. Enter your credentials and select "Login"   [For login help, contact your campus IT Help Desk]
4. Select the "Employee" tab
5. Select the "Taxes" option
6. Select "W-2 Wage and Tax Statement"
7. Select the tax year from the drop-down list, and then "Display"
8. Scroll down the page, and select the "Printable W-2" button
9. Once the form opens, you will be able to print the form using your browser's print function


UAOnline supports most common Internet browsers. If you experience problems with viewing, printing, or saving your W-2 form in UAOnline, try using a different browser or download an updated version of your current browser.

Saving the W-2 Form

The UAOnline version of the form is a web page (.htm or .html file). You should be able to print the form using your browser's print function.

To save a copy of the form, use your browser's "Save..." or "Save Page as..." function; your browser should save the file in a .htm or .html format. You should then be able to open and print the file at a later time.

NOTE: Your W-2 form contains your Social Security number (SSN). If you save an electronic copy of your W-2 form, please keep the file in a safe location. For your security, do not send the file via unsecured means (such as email) without first encrypting/securing the file.

Prior Year W-2 Forms

Prior year forms from 2015 to the present are available via UAOnline. If you have given your electronic consent, you will be able to access them at any time. If you have not given your electronic consent you will need to either consent for electronic W-2 form or contact ua-hr-accounting@alaska.edu to have them mail you a re-print of the form.

If you have questions about your W-2 from the calendar year 2014 or earlier, please contact UA HR Accounting at ua-hr-accounting@alaska.edu.

W-2 Contact in HR

UA Human Resources Accounting Team - ua-hr-accounting@alaska.edu or (907) 450-8200.

The HR Accounting Team can only provide information related to the W-2 produced by the University of Alaska. For tax advice or questions regarding filing procedures, please contact the IRS or your tax advisor.

Need additional help or have questions?

Please contact ua-hr-accounting@alaska.edu for additional assistance.  

To contact other UA HR teams, please visit our Contact Us page at https://alaska.edu/hr/contact.php


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