Reused/Duplicate PCN

If you have received reports that a user is seeing job duties that are not theirs, or incorrect profile information (title, grade, etc.), it is likely that their Position Control Number (PCN) has been reused on another position description (PD).

When a PCN is reused for a different PD, it must be removed from the previous PD before being used in the new one or it causes conflicts in the employee's profile page, as well as their performance review process. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Open an administrative portal of myUA
  2. Expand the left side hamburger menu and click "Manage PDs"
  3. Search for the PCN under the "Position Number" field
  4. Note the PD numbers for future steps.
  5. Click "Edit" on the PD that is no longer in use.
  6. Remove the PCN from the old PD and "Save".
    1. Complete any fields that must be completed to save with your best judgement or "."
  7. The old PD will disappear.
  8. Reset your search filter and search on "PD No." to find the old PD.
  9. Archive the old PD

Note: If someone has incorrect job duties in their current performance evaluation, they will need to restart it after this process has been completed to pull in the correct duties.

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Article ID: 953
Wed 6/15/22 8:47 AM
Fri 1/5/24 2:47 PM