Any authorized individual with an Enterprise Service Management (ESM) KB role (candidate, contributor, publisher), can create a Knowledge article and submit it for review, and approval. Before submitting an article the author should review it for technical accuracy first.
Articles authored by individuals with Contributor, or Publisher roles must have their articles reviewed and approved by someone else.
If an article is rejected, the Owner will be notified by email.
Submitting a New Article for Review
- Open the Knowledge Base.
- Click My Articles, or click Search to find the article.
- Open the article.
- Click Submit Article.
- The article submits and the screen refreshes. Depending on your KB access level the control buttons in the side bar will display one of the following:
- IT Candidate
![TDX Knowledge editor share, edit article, add to favorites buttons](
- IT KB Contributor, and higher
![TDX Knowledge editor share, edit article, add to favorites, approve, reject buttons](
- The article's History will update to show Changed Status from "Not Submitted" to "Submitted"
![TDX Knowledge article editor history status change to submitted](
- The article's Details will status will show Submitted.
![TDX Knowledge editor details status](
A knowledge contributor will review the article for technical accuracy, consistency of formatting, and other elements as documented within the Checklist to Approve Article.
Need additional help or have issues
For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Enterprise Service Management form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.
For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.