Update a Ticket Task



Ticket tasks are created on all types of tickets (i.e. Incident, Request, etc.), to assign a specific job to another responsible group. The group assigned the task will then complete the requested work in conjunction with the other requested work in order to complete the submitted ticket.

The ticket remains assigned to the original responsible group who continues to own the ticket, while the other group(s) own their assigned tasks.

In this article:

What materials do I need?

  • Web Browser
  • TDNext License

How do I use this technology?

Start Work on Ticket Task

  1. Ensure you Take Responsibility for a Ticket Task before you begin doing work.
  2. Open the Ticket Task.
  3. Click Actions.

    Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task window with actions button highlighted
  4. From the drop-down menu click Update.

    Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task actions update button highlighted
  5. Click the drop-down menu for New % Complete field.

    Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task New % Complete drop-down menu highlighted
  6. Select 10%.

    Enterprise Service Managment Ticket Task Set New % Complete to 10%
  7. Click Save.

    Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task Save button highlighted


Begin working the Ticket Task, Add Comment to Ticket as appropriate.


Complete Work on Ticket Task

  1. Open the Ticket Task.
  2. Click Actions.

    Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task window with actions button highlighted
  3. From the drop-down menu click Update.

    Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task actions update button highlighted
  4. Click the drop-down menu for New % Complete field.

    Enterprise Service Management New % Complete drop-down menu highlighted
  5. Select 100%.

    Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task New % Complete 100% selected
  6. In the Comments field enter complete work notes for how you completed the ticket task.

    Enterprise Service Managment Ticket Task mark as 100% complete with sample comment text
    If you've been adding Comments to the ticket/task over the course of performing the work, the information added to the ticket task as you mark it compete may simply be a high level overview.

  7. Click the Notification field.

    Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task Notification field highlighted
  8. Select who should be notified of this update from the Notify drop-down menu which displays all individuals/groups associated with the ticket. In general it is a good practice to select at least the Responsible person so they are notified that you've completed the part of the work assigned to you.
    • <Name of Group> (Responsible Group)
    • Name of Person> (Responsible)
    • <Name of Person> (Requester)
    • <Name of Person> (Creator)
    • <Name of Person> (Contact)

    Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task Notification list
  9. Click Save at the top of the Ticket Task window.
    All updates to the task will be documented in the Feed of the ticket.


Additional Resources

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime for the Enterprise Service Management service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 394
Mon 11/16/20 5:44 PM
Mon 7/31/23 7:01 PM