Manage a Loaner Device



The Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system makes it fairly straight forward to manage, and keep track of equipment loaned out to students, staff, or faculty. While variations in campus, or department, equipment loaner policies and procedures are beyond the scope of this article, general recommended best practices are documented.

In this article:

What materials do I need?

  • Internet connectivity
  • A web browser
  • Privileges within the UA ESM system to the Asset/CIs module

How do I use this technology?

Check Existing Equipment Loaned to Person

  1. In the UA ESM website, click the People tab.
    • If the People tab is not visible, click the Application Menu, then click People.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management People tab highlighted
  2. Click the Search Text field.
  3. Enter the UA Username of the person you want to review.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management People search text example
  4. Click Search.
  5. From the search results, click the Name of the account you want to review.
    • A new window will open with the account details.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management People search result account name highlighted
  6. Click the Assets tab.

    UAA Enterprise Service Managment People account detail assets tab highlighted
  7. Review the asset list.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management People account details assets list


Check-out Equipment

  1. Click the Assets/CIs tab.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset tab highlighted
  2. Locate the existing asset record.
    • See the KB article Search for an Asset for tips and suggestions on searching the asset database.
    • Alternatively, scan the Asset QR code if so equipped. If the Asset QR code is scanned, skip to step 4.
  3. Click the Asset ID of the record you will be loaning out.

    UAA Enterprise Service Managment Asset list asset id highlighted

    A new window will open with the asset details.
  4. Click the Edit button in the menu bar of the record.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset detail edit button highlighted
  5. Scroll down to Location field.
    • On-campus loaner for faculty, and staff:
      1. Change the building in the Location field to reflect the location where the equipment will be located.
      2. Set the Location Room value to reflect the room where the equipment will be located.
    • Off-campus loaner for student, faculty, and staff:
      1. Change the value of the Location field to the appropriate "Off Campus - [Name]" where [Name] represents the physical town/city where the equipment was checked out from.
  6. Scroll down to the Owner field.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset detail edit owner field
  7. Click the Owner field.
    1. Click the search box, and enter the UA Username of the person that asset will be checked out to.

      UAA Enterprise Service Managment Asset edit owner search result example
    2. Click the desired person from the results.
  8. At the top of the window, click the Save button.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset edit save button highlighted
  9. Click To Detail button to exit edit mode.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset detail to detail button highlighted
  10. The asset record will refresh displaying the person it was loaned to.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset record with owner assigned


Check-in Equipment

  1. Click the Assets/CIs tab.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset tab highlighted
  2. Locate the existing asset record.
    • See the KB article Search for an Asset for tips and suggestions on searching the asset database.
    • Alternatively, scan the Asset QR code if so equipped. If the Asset QR code is scanned, skip to step 4.
  3. Click the Asset ID of the record you will be loaning out.

    UAA Enterprise Service Managment Asset list asset id highlighted

    A new window will open with the asset details.
  4. Click the Edit button in the menu bar of the record.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset detail edit button highlighted
  5. Scroll down to Location field.
  6. Update the Location field to reflect the location of the department's storage location.
  7. Scroll down to the Owner field.
  8. Click the Clear owner button.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset detail clear owner button highlighted
    • Leave the checkbox selected next to Remove the previous owner from the asset's user field.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset detail remove the previous owner from asset's users highlighted
  9. At the top of the window, click the Save button.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset edit save button highlighted
  10. Click To Detail button to exit edit mode.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset detail to detail button highlighted
  11. The asset record will refresh without an owner, indicating that the loaner equipment has been returned.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset record without owner assigned


Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the Enterprise Service Management service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 458
Tue 2/16/21 1:31 PM
Tue 9/5/23 1:27 PM