Each university department, office, or unit has one or more delegates who are responsible for maintaining directory information in the Online Directory. Directory delegates are frequently administrative assistants, or office support staff. It is helpful for the delegates to be familiar with - or even involved with - personnel paperwork so that updating the department listings occurs at the same time as staff changes.
It is recommended that a department have at least one delegate besides the manager, the manager is always a delegate; however, the number of delegates should be kept to a reasonably small number, usually less than five (5) people in total including the manager. Departments with an exceptionally high number of delegates may be contacted by IT Services regarding reviewing and reducing the number of delegates listed.
The directory delegate(s) for the unit may update department/program listings via either the self-service, or by submitting a Add or Change a Department's Record in the UA Directory form. Information updated via Self-Service is immediately applied to the Online directory; however, it may take some time to replicate across all the servers which host the information. Update requests submitted via the Add or Change form are typically completed within 4 to 5 business days from the date of submission.
In this article:
How do I use this technology?
Self-Service Attributes
The Online Directory offers the ability for department/program managers and delegates to edit selective information directly. This is referred to as Self-Service.
The following provides a listing of the directory information that can, and cannot be changed via Self-Service. These are, but not limited to, the following:
Attribute Summary
Department/Program |
Self-Service |
- Email Address
- Manager
- Manager Title
- Authority Delegate
- Office Building
- Room Number
- University mailing address (if applicable)
- Fax Number
- Website URL
- Aliases
- Directory Delegates
- Employee Members
Not Self-Service |
- Display Name
- Phone Number
- Adding/Removing Sub-Departments
- Changing Parent Department
- Adding a new listing
- Removing an existing listing
Login to Online Directory Self-Service
- Go to the Online Directory site.
- Click the Login button located at the top right of the page.

- Enter your UA Username and password, then click Login.

- After a successful login, edit the desired directory information following the steps below.
Update Directory Information
- After login at the Directory Search page, click the People drop-down button,
- Select Departments.

- In the Search field type the name of the department you want to edit, if desired select a filter by option, then click search.
- From the search results, find the desired listing you want to edit. If you have been designated as a delegate you will see a button labeled Edit.
- Click the Edit button.

- You will be presented with a screen similar to the following.

- To change one, or more, of the attributes listed in the Online Directory Attribute Summary table above, click the desired field.
Please be aware of the following considerations when making changes.
- Email: This sets a department's primary email address (e.g. by which they can be contacted. This should not be an employee's personal email address (e.g.
- Manager: Enter the UA Username (e.g. cwolfe) for the individual in charge of the department/program. Click the Validate button to ensure a person can be found, otherwise if a person can not be identified a No results found message will be displayed.
- Manager Title: Enter the title associated with the position of the head of the department/program (e.g. Director). Please do not enter the full title of the person that is currently filling that position, especially in cases where their full title represents elements other than the position as head of the department (e.g. Director, Instructor of Astrophysics, and SETI Researcher).
- Authority Delegate: Enter the UA Username (e.g. cwolfe) for the individual that is delegated authority for the department when the department head is not available. Click the Validate button to ensure a person can be found, otherwise if a person can not be identified a No results found message will be displayed.
- Building: When changing the building name you will have a list appear that will dynamically update as you type with a list of university buildings. Please select the appropriate building from the list. Department's with multiple office locations should select the building that represents the primary office.
- Room: Departments should enter the physical room number of that corresponds to their main office door.
- Office Location: The office location address will automatically update based upon the selected building.
- Mailing Address: The mailing address will automatically update based upon the selected building for those locations with a predefined mailing address and will be un-editable. Otherwise, you will be able to enter an appropriate mailing address (e.g. PO Box 12345).
- Fax: If applicable, enter the department's fax number as a valid 10-digit (e.g. 9077860001) number.
- URL: Enter the web address (i.e. URL) of the department's website (e.g. If you're not sure, navigate to the website in a separate web browser/tab then copy the URL and paste it into this field.
- Aliases: Departments may enter one, or more, alternative names for their organization to improve search results in the directory. These can be abbreviations, former names the department was known by, or other similar references.
- When completed, click Save.
Manage Directory Delegates
- Login to the Online Directory.
- Go to the desired department's edit page.
- You will be presented with a screen similar to the following.

- To add, or remove a person's ability to edit the department listing, click Manage Delegates.

- You will be presented with a screen similar to the following.

- To Add a delegate:
- Enter the person's UA Username into the field beneath the Add Delegates label. You may enter more than one at a time by using a comma to separate the values.
- Click the Add button when finished.
- To Remove a delegate:
- Click the Remove button.
Note: A Manager will always have delegate rights to edit a department listing. To remove a manager, use the directions above for Updating Directory Information to change the manager.
- When finished, click Back to Edit button to return to the main department edit form.
- If all desired changes have been made, click the Back to Search button located at the bottom of the page.
Manage Directory Members
- Login to the Online Directory.
- Go to the desired department's edit page.
- You will be presented with a screen similar to the following.

- To add, or remove a person's ability to edit the department listing, click Manage Members.

- You will be presented with a screen similar to the following.

- To Add a member:
- Enter the person's UA Username into the field beneath the Add Members label. You may enter more than one at a time by using a comma to separate the values.
- Click the Add button when finished.
- To Remove a member:
- Click the Remove button next to their name.
- When finished, click Back to Edit button to return to the main department edit form.
- If all desired changes have been made, click the Back to Search button located at the bottom of the page.
Need additional help or have issues
For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the Online Directory service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.
For immediate assistance please review the Contact IT page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.