Request Assistance with Online Directory


The University of Alaska Online Directory includes contact information for departments, current faculty, and staff.

Staff & faculty can update their individual directory information via the Online Directory. Department managers, or other delegates, may update directory information either via the Online Directory, or by submitting a ticket Requesting Assistance with the Online Directory. Departments needing to add or delete a listing must submit a ticket.


Have a new department or program added to the Online Directory or request changes to an existing department. This include the removal of a department, changes to the structure and employees listed under the department. The directory delegates for a department or unit are responsible for approving and updating their unit's Online Directory content. Individual units are responsible for determining their own process for collecting and maintaining their department directory information. Delegates are able to make most changes to the departments information themselves. 

Requests to have a department added or removed must be made by the department or unit head. Requests can be submitted on their behalf as long as the memo stating the addition or removal of the department is attached.

Before making a request for a new department or program, search the Online Directory site to make sure the unit is not already listed. Subunits are often listed as part of the parent unit listing. Duplicate listings are not allowed. The department head should determine who on their staff will serve as the directory delegate(s).


Have a person added to the Online Directory or request changes to an existing person's information.

A person can change most information in their own record themselves by logging into the Online Directory and clicking on their name in the top right.

Below are details regarding making changes to specific information,

  • Preferred Name: can only be changed by the person via UAOnline. Changes made in UAOnline will be made in the Online Directory but may take overnight.
  • Office Telephone Number: must be request through this form. Please include any details about why the phone number may be wrong such as a position change or swapping phone with another individual.
  • Email: Cannot be changed. The Online Directory should always display your University of Alaska provided e-mail address, even if you have otherwise set a preferred e-mail address, or setup a mail forward on your account.
  • Legal Name (First & Last Name): These can only be changed by HR.

People Eligible

  • Faculty
  • Staff


The University provides this service free of cost to all persons and departments eligible for it.


Requests may be submitted at anytime and will be worked and responded to during normal operating hours for the department working the request. Request is typically completed within 4 to 5 business days.

Request Assistance

Related Articles (1)

Information on how to request an update to a department's existing listing in the UA online directory.


Service Offering Id: 9
Wed 12/8/21 10:54 AM
Wed 5/22/24 7:14 AM