
SPSS Statistics is a comprehensive software package that includes data management, statistics, and reporting capabilities for macOS and Windows operating systems. SPSS is a modular product, so additional modules can be used to carry out specific analyses not supported by the Base product. The UA license includes:

  • SPSS Statistics Base with Advanced Statistics and Regression add-ons
  • AMOS add-on limited quantity available to departments only
  • Custom Tables add-on limited quantity available to departments only
  • Missing Values add-on limited quantity available to departments only
  • Additional add-ons not listed here are available for direct purchase from IBM. Available to departments only

Available To

IT has negotiated an SPSS Licensing Agreement that allows University of Alaska departments to purchase certain SPSS products for use on University-owned equipment for University-related activities. Licenses are issued on a per-computer basis.

Students who are registered for classes at the UAA Anchorage campus, Kenai Peninsula College, and the University of Alaska Southeast have access to SPSS Base with Advanced Statistics and Regression free of charge.



Authorized Staff & Faculty can install SPSS on university owned computers via the Software Center (macOS, Windows).

Departments interested in purchasing license(s) can submit an IBM SPSS Statistics request.


Authorized students can download the software for their personally owned devices by connecting to their UA GlobalProtect VPN client, and then downloading the appropriate software installer for your computer operating system.

A valid UA Username & Password is required in order to download the linked software.

Is there any additional information I should know about?

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Article ID: 1627
Mon 11/27/23 9:32 AM
Thu 7/11/24 11:13 AM