Get Started with Notification Templates


This getting started article will help Application Administrators to learn about and modify Notification Templates. Individual's must have the Admin access to one, or more, ESM applications.



Notifications are important to the University of Alaska Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system because they enable people to keep up with work progress via email delivery. Application Administrators (App Admins) can configure notification templates that customizes email content for their department. This allows for administrators to notify others with useful information in a format that aligns with the organization's brand.

Notification templates can be configured and enabled or disabled for individual ticketing applications. This action can be performed by a ticketing application's administrator. 

Information within Notification Templates should be generalized information that should be included in all communication with target audience such as ticket number, title, link, etc. Information that specific to a particular kind of ticket should be added to a Response Template, which can be thought of as a type of canned response. Review the Get Started with Response Templates KB article for additional information on Response Templates.

The following ticketing actions can be performed:

  • Ticket Updated
  • Task Updated
  • Task Comment Added
  • SLA Warning
  • SLA Violation
  • Ticket Moved
  • Created
  • Comment Added
  • Ticket Workflow Step Assignment

For all templates except Ticket Moved and Ticket Workflow Step Assignment, there are two versions of the template. These two versions are the Requestor vs. Ticketing User notification templates.

Ticketing User vs. Requestor Ticket Notification Templates

Notification templates can be configured for each Ticketing Application so that email notifications for specific ticketing actions can be customized. Each action's template has both requestor and ticketing user versions of the same template. Below is a description of how the system chooses which version of the template to send to each user.

The individual will receive the ticketing user template if one of the following is true: 

  • They are the ticket reviewer.
  • They are the responsible resource for the ticket.
  • They are the responsible resource for a ticket task on the ticket.
  • They are the creator, requestor, or a contact on the ticket, AND they have access to the ticketing application. 

Otherwise, the individual will receive the requestor template.

This will apply when one of the following is true:

  • They do not have access to the ticketing application AND they are the creator, requestor, or a contact on the ticket. 
  • The individual is notified via the Notify Other People or Notify Other Email Addresses fields.

Next Steps

The following articles will guide App Admins through the process of editing ESM Notification Template(s), and when ready enabling their use.

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Enterprise Service Management form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 1492
Tue 4/11/23 8:20 PM
Mon 5/13/24 12:13 PM