The Kandji Self Service application allows UA employees to access relevant software & updates on UA owned computers. If a university employee requires software that doesn't appear in the Software Center, review the UA Software Catalog for availability of existing, or comparable software.
What materials do I need?
- University owned Mac computer
- Joined to UA Kandji Endpoint Management (EPM) service
How do I use this technology?
- Open the Kandji Self Service application.
- Method 1: From macOS menu bar, click Kandji icon, then click Kandji Self Service.

- Method 2: Open Finder window, and navigate to the Applications folder. Double-click Kandji Self Service application.

- Method 3: Use Spotlight and search for Kandji Self Service.

- The Kandji Self Service application will open and connect to the software catalog.

- Once the Kandji Self Service application opens you will be able to view and manage your UA licensed/authorized applications group by category.

- Locate the application you'd like to install and click install.
Is there any additional information I should know about?
If you require software that isn't visible within Kandji Self Service application on your device, that is listed as available within the UA Software Catalog KB article, please have your supervisor contact IT to request the permissions for additional software.
There may be some additional requirements for some software (e.g. purchase of license, contacting department head, etc.)
Need additional help or have issues
For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Endpoint Management (EPM) form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.
For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.