Create a Computer Asset


Information on how to manually create a computer asset record within the Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system.



Computer devices (e.g. laptop, desktop, etc.) owned by the University of Alaska (UA), and deployed/imaged using the university's Endpoint Management Services are automatically added as an asset in the Enterprise Service Management (ESM) typically within one (1) hour of the image process being completed. Computer devices deployed/imaged via means other than UA's Endpoint Management Services will need to be manually added into the ESM asset database.

While adding assets is a straightforward process, the order is important because the records are dependent upon one another. For example product models need a Manufacturer (i.e. a Vendor record). It is recommend that before adding a new asset you verify that appropriate records for vendorsproduct types, and product models related to the assets you will be adding have been created first. Please review the following knowledge base articles for further details on these topics.

Creating asset records for some types of assets (e.g. desktops, laptops, tablets, servers, displays, etc.) requires some specific values to be set. Review the articles below to ensure the correct instructions are followed:
Generally speaking, it is not necessary to manually create computer asset records for any computer device that is managed by the following UA Endpoint Management Services:
  • Google Workspace (e.g. Chromebooks)
  • JAMF (e.g. macOS, iOS, iPadOS, appleTV)
  • MECM (aka SCCM) (e.g. Windows)

There is a set of scheduled tasks which automatically queries the Endpoint Management System (EMS) on the following basis:

  • Hourly* - newly added assets within the EMS system(s) will be added to the ESM Asset/CI app
  • Daily at 6pm - all assets within the EMS system(s) will have their ESM Asset/CI record updated

* Due to the vendor's scheduled maintenance window, no asset records are added, or updated on Friday evening between 8:00pm - Midnight AK.

If an asset record has not been created within the ESM system within two (2) hours of a device imaging being completed, please submit a ticket so the issue can be investigated.

If you manually create a computer asset record for a device, you must remember to set, at a minimum the following attributes in order to prevent duplicate assets from being created.
  • Serial Number field to the manufacture provided number (e.g. HZBJISZ )
  • External ID field to [Device Manufacture]-[Serial Number] (e.g. Apple-AB3JF9Z3NX8, Dell-HZBJISZ, etc.)

What materials do I need?

  • Internet connectivity
  • A web browser
  • Privileges within the UA ESM system to the Assets/CIs module.

How do I use this technology?

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Navigate to the UA ESM website.
  3. Login to the UA ESM with your UA Email address and password.
  4. Click the Assets/CIs tab.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Assets/CIs tab highlighted
  5. Verify if an existing record exists. See the KB article Search for Asset/Configuration Item for tips and suggestions on searching the Asset database.
    • If no existing record exists proceed to the next step.
  6. Click the + Asset button.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management New Asset button highlighted
  7. Click the IT Asset Form.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management New Asset IT Asset Form highlighted
  8. The IT Asset Form will open.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form
  9. In the Name field enter the device name of the computer.
  10. Under the Regulatory Compliance section, if appropriate select one or more elements that the device is expected to be compliant with.
  11. Click the IT Equipment Type drop-down menu.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form equipment type drop-down menu

    Select Computer.
  12. Click into the Serial Number field, and enter the device's serial number assigned by the manufacturer.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form Serial Number field
  13. If UA has issued a property tag number for the asset, enter it in the UA Property Tag field.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset form UA Property tag field
  14. If the owning department has issued a department property tag/id for the asset, enter it in the Department Property Tag field.
  15. Click the Product Model field.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form Product Model field highlighted
    1. Click the search box and enter text representing the device model you are looking for.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form Product Model drop down list
      The search box in the drop down menu only returns five (5) results. If there are more than five (5) matching values a better option would be to click the search icon to the right of the drop down menu which will open a search window that allows for more refined search options.
    2. Click the desired product model.​
  16. The Supplier field has been updated to reflect the manufacturer of the model selected in the product model field.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form Supplier field
    Unless the device was purchased directly from the manufacturer this will need to be changed.
    1. Click the Clear Supplier button to the right of the manufacturer's name to remove the value.
    2. Click the Supplier field.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form Supplier field empty
    3. Click the search box and enter text representing the supplier you are looking for.
    4. Select the desired supplier.

      UAA Enterprise Service Managment iT Asset Form Supplier drop down list
  17. Click the Status drop-down menu.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form Status field
    1. Select the appropriate status type.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management Status Drop Down menu list
  18. Click into the Location field.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form location field
    1. Click the search box and enter text representing the location you are looking for.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form Location search results
    2. Click the desired building name from the results.
    3. The Location Room field will now be displayed.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form location room field
    4. Click into the Location Room field.
    5. Click the search box and enter text representing the room you are looking for.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form Location Room search results
    6. Click the desired building room from the results.


Many additional fields will be displayed depending upon which value was selected in the IT Equipment Type field. The purpose, and expected data for each of these are documented within the Asset Attribute Definitions article. We will skip repeating many of these here in the interest of brevity.


  1. Set the Procurement Information.
    1. Click the Acquisition Date field.

      UAA Enterprise Service Managment Asset form acquisition date field
      • Enter the date the item was purchased
    2. If the asset type has a defined life-cycle replacement duration (i.e. the item is replaced every 10 years), click the Expected Replacement Date field.

      UAA Enterprise Service Managment Asset form expected replacement date field
      • Enter a date that corresponds to the define life-cycle of that asset type based upon the Acquisition Date.
    3. In the Purchase Cost field enter the cost of the device, if known.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form Purchase Cost field
    4. Click the Purchase Method field.
      UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset form purchase method field
      1. From the drop-down menu, select the method by which the item was purchased.

        UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset form purchase method drop-down menu example
      2. If the purchase method was via PO, or LPO, a corresponding field will appear to record the number.

        UAA Enterprise Service Managment Asset form purchase order number field.
    5. Click the Purchase Fund field.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management Asset form fund field
      • Enter the fund that the asset was purchased with.
    6. Click the Purchase Org field.

      UAA Enterprise Service Management asset form org field
      • Enter the Org that the asset was purchased with.
  2. Set the Responsible Department/Employee Information.
    1. Click into the Owning Acct/Dept field.

      UAA Enterprise Service Managment IT Asset Form Owning Acct/Dept field
      1. Click the search box and enter text representing the department that owns the device.

        UAA Enterprise Service Management IT Asset Form Owning Acct/Dept search results
      2. Select the desired department from the results.
    2. If the current Fund/Org associated with the device differs from that which was used to purchase the asset, do the following.
      1. Click Current Fund.
        • Enter the current fund associated with the asset.
      2. Click Current Org.
        • Enter the current org associated with the asset.
      3. Click Current Account.
        • Enter the current account associated with the asset.
    3. If the asset is assigned to a specific individual for their exclusive use (e.g. an employee's primary laptop), do the following.
      1. Click Assigned To.
        1. In the search box enter the UA Username of the person that the asset has been assigned to.
        2. Select the appropriate person from the search results.
  3. Set the Inventory/Audit Information.
    1. Click the Asset Condition field.
      • Select the appropriate condition.
    2. Click Verified By.
      1. In the search box enter the UA Username of the person that verified the information associated with the new computer asset record. This is usually, but not always, the person that created the asset record.
      2. Select the appropriate person from the search results.
    3. Click Verified Date.
      1. Enter the date the record was verified.
    The Verified By, and Verified Date fields will change over time as inventory audits are conducted. These fields will record the most recent person & date where the asset's information was confirmed. Information regarding previous verification people/dates are viewable in the asset's Feed
  4. Set the External ID field to [Device Manufacture]-[Serial Number] (e.g. Apple-AB3JF9Z3NX8, Dell-HZBJISZ, etc.).
  5. At the top of the window, click the Save button.

    UAA Enterprise Service Management asset form save button highlighted
  6. The new asset will be created, and the following screen will be displayed.

    UAA Enterprise Service Managment asset created dialog window

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime for the Enterprise Service Management service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 409
Fri 12/4/20 6:34 PM
Fri 3/29/24 8:03 PM