The Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system groups assets into product types, which can contain any number of child product types, and product models. Product types allow for logical grouping of product models and can be used in association with inventory reports.
In this article:
What materials do I need?
- Internet connectivity
- A web browser
- Privileges within the UA ESM system to the Assets/CIs module
How do I use this technology?
Review Exiting Product Types
- Open a web browser.
- Navigate to the UA ESM website.
- Login to UA ESM with your UA Email address and password.
- Click the Assets/CIs tab.

- On the left side, click Product Types.

- Review or search the product types available.

Add Product Type
Before creating a new product type verify that a similar one does not yet exist, possibly under a different name, or is a child type. For example someone wanting to create a "Desktop Computer" product type, should use the "Computer / Desktop" type instead.
- Within the UA ESM system click the Assets/CIs tab.
- On the left side, click Product Types.

- Click the parent product type (e.g. Computer), if appropriate.

- Click the + New Type button.

- The Add Product Type dialog window will open.

- In the Name field enter the name of the product type.
- In the Description field enter a brief description of the product type.
- In the Parent Type field verify that the correct parent type is displayed.
- In the Order field change the value to "1".
- This ensures the product types are sorted by alphabetical order.
- Verify the Active checkbox is selected.
- The entry should look similar to the following example.

- Click Save.
Disable Existing Product Type
In general product types should not be made inactive. Typically the only reason to inactive a product type is when a duplicate type is mistakenly created.
- Within the UA ESM system navigate to the Assets/CIs tab.
- On the left side, click Product Types.

- Locate the duplicated product type, either by searching, or clicking through to the desired type.

- Click the duplicate Product Type.

- Click the Edit Type button.

- The Edit Product Type dialog window will open.

- Uncheck the Active checkbox.

- Click Save.
Need additional help or have issues
For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the Enterprise Service Management service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.
For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.