Take Responsibility of a Ticket or Task



This article details the process for taking responsibility for a ticket or a task within the Enterprise Service Management (ESM) system.

In this article:


  • Web Browser
  • TDNext license

Take Responsibility of a Ticket

  1. Click Desktop.
  2. Under Unassigned Tickets for Team

  3. Click the ticket ID or Title.

  4. A new window will open with the ticket information.

  5. Click Actions.

  6. Depending upon the ticket classification (e.g. Service Request, Incident, etc.) a menu like one of the following will be displayed:
    • For a Service Request, click Take Service Request 

    • For an incident, click Take Incident

  7. A dialog box for confirmation of responsibility will open, Click Ok.

  8. The ticket will add your name to the Responsibility field next to the responsible group name


Take Responsibility of a Ticket Task

  1. Click Desktop.
  2. Under Tasks: Unassigned to <Group Name>, click the Task Title.

    Enterprise Service Management Unassigned Task Highlighted
    • A new window will open with the Task details.

      Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task window open
  3. Click the Actions menu.

    Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task window with actions button highlighted
  4. Click Take Task.

    Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task Take Task button highlighted
    • The task will add your name to the Responsible field of the ticket task next to the responsible group name.

      Enterprise Service Management Ticket Task assigned

Additional Information

Managing tickets after the initial creation has many means of doing so. Further instructional guides are available below.

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the Enterprise Service Management service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 550
Wed 6/2/21 7:45 PM
Wed 5/24/23 12:37 PM