Create a Ticket Task


Ticket tasks can be created on all types of tickets (i.e. Incident, Request, etc.), and are used to assign a specific job to another responsible group. The group assigned the task will then complete the requested work in conjunction with the other requested work in order to complete the submitted ticket.

The ticket remains assigned to the original responsible group who continues to own the ticket, while the other group(s) own their assigned tasks.

In this article:

What materials do I need?

  • Internet connectivity
  • A web browser
  • Privileges within the UA ESM system to one, or more ticketing application(s)

Creating a Ticket Task

  1. Open the appropriate ticket.
  2. Click the Tasks/Activities tab.

    Enterprise Service Manage Tasks/Activities tab button
  3. Click + Add button.

    Enterprise Service Management Add Task button highlighted
  4. From the drop-down menu, click Task.

    Enterprise Service Management New Task add task drop down menu

    New Ticket Task window opens.

    Enterprise Service Management New Ticket Task window
  5. Click the Title field, and enter a succinct statement for the task.

    Enterprise Service Management New Task title field with sample text
  6. If applicable, select any predecessor tasks from the Predecessor menu.
    • Note: A Predecessor task must have already been created for a ticket. In general, for tasks which must be completed in a specific order, it is best to create the tasks in the same order. This allows you to select the Predecessor task as you create each follow on task.

    Enterprise Service Management New Task Predecessor drop down menu
  7. If applicable, click the Due Date field and use the calendar selector tool to choose an appropriate due date.
    • Note: The Start Date and Due Date fields do not have to be completed.

    Enterprise Service Management New Task start and due date
  8. Leave the Estimated Hours, and Complete Within fields as they are.

    Enterprise Service Management New Task estimated hours and complete within fields
  9. In the Responsible field, type the name of the responsible group.
    • Note: Always assign a Task to responsible group, not to a specific person, in order to ensure proper tracking and reporting.

    Enterprise Service Management New Task responsible field
  10. In the Description field, enter a thorough explanation of what needs to be done for this task to be complete.
    • Note: The explanation should detail the desired outcome (e.g. Resolve customer's inability to login to Office 365), not necessary the specific efforts needed to achieve the outcome.

    Enterprise Service Management New Task description field
  11. Click the Save button located at the top of the New Ticket Task window.
    • The window will close, taking you back to the ticket details window.

    Enterprise Service Management New Task Save button highlighted


Next Steps

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Enterprise Service Management form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.