Budget Revision

A budget revision moves budget and/or revenue authority between funds, orgs, accounts, program codes, or any combination of these. A budget revision is necessary when moving budget or increasing revenue/expense authority. We will prepare the form and route it for approvals and processing.

Eligible Peoples

  • Faculty
  • Staff


  • Before submitting the ticket, make sure you have the following information:
    • Justification for budget revision;
    • Budget source (fund/org/account code) to move the budget from;
    • Budget source (fund/org/account code) to move the budget to;
    • Authorized by: this is the name of the person the UAA Budget Office should contact in the event of questions. They have signatory authority per the signature card;
    • Transaction amount(s);
    • For multiple changes, please use the attached spreadsheet with all the requested revisions


Requests may be submitted at anytime and will be worked and responded to during normal operating hours for UAA Shared Services.

UAA Shared Services normal business hours are Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm, Alaska time.

Provided By

UAA Shared Services Business Services.

Request Service


Service ID: 409
Fri 1/20/23 8:03 AM
Sun 7/14/24 9:36 PM