Report phishing email

The University of Alaska utilizes advanced email filters to block messages of a spam or phishing nature. As the threat landscape changes over time, these filters are continually adjusted to ensure ongoing protection.The spam filters currently automatically reject most of the spam messages received by the UA email servers.

Occasionally, spam or phishing messages may not be correctly blocked by these filters. In these cases, please report these example messages – these reports are used to improve the detection and blocking capabilities of the filters over time.

  • If you have received a spam message in your UA mailbox, please attach a full copy of the offending message. Please reference the following URL for assistance on how to do this: Gmail: Trace an email with its full headers
  • If you are an external recipient of spam or phishing messages from a University of Alaska sender, please contact

All reports should include a full copy of the offending message. It is important to submit not just the body of the message but the original full message headers as well. The message headers provide routing information that determine the source of the email and provide the information necessary, in the case of a phishing attack, to block any potential replies to the message.

Report Phishing


Service Offering Id: 129
Thu 12/9/21 2:57 PM
Mon 8/15/22 10:58 AM