New or Change to Departmental Email

Department accounts can be used to send email from a department or group, rather than a specific individual (e.g. Advancement, Alumni Relations, etc.) As a member of the group with access to the account, you will be able to send and view the account's mailbox folders and calendar while signed in to your own University of Alaska (UA) account.


  • Provides a single point of contact for people attempting to contact the department.
  • A departmental account email address can be used on brochures, web pages, letterhead, etc. If staff changes, you won't have to reprint this material.
  • Messages in the departmental account are available year-after-year, which eases transition issues as staffing changes occur.
  • Messages can be answered in a timely manner because multiple individuals will have access to the account.
  • Email sent to the departmental account will not count against personal mailbox limits. The departmental account mailbox has its own mail storage limit.

Eligible Peoples

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Student Employee


  • Only full-time UA faculty/staff may be registered as department email account owners. We do not allow students, temporary hires, or part-time faculty/staff to be registered owners. If ownership changes or is anticipated to change, the department should notify the Technical Support Center of the specific changes via the Request Change to a Department Email Account form. The request must originate from either the current account owner, or the dean, director, or department head.
  • Any UA department is eligible for a departmental email account, provided there is a valid department number.
  • Department email accounts are for University of Alaska departmental business only.
  • Department email accounts will not have any forwards set to a non-UA email provider.


There are no costs for this service.

Department Email


Service Offering Id: 19
Wed 12/8/21 3:59 PM
Fri 8/12/22 5:52 PM