Access the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) System

Do not save data to the Virtual Machine! Any data saved to the hard drive will be deleted when your session is closed.  Save all work to an external location for information on where to save files so our Kb article.

Getting Started

  1. In a web browser, navigate to
  2. You will have the option to Install VMWare Horizon Client or utilize the VMWare Horizon HTML Access

Using the VMWare Horizon Client is recommended for the best experience.  However, the initial installation will take a few minutes and requires a system restart.

Special Environments

The College of Engineering (CoEng) Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) provides remote access to a Virtual Machine containing all software installed in College of Engineering labs.  This allows you to to utilize CoEng software from your own device from anywhere with a broadband Internet connection. You must be a student enrolled in at least one College of Engineering (CoEng) or Community Technical College (CTC) Building Technologies Course

VDI Login


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