Learning Management System (Blackboard) Upgrade Kaltura Tool from Building Block to LTI


After May 12, all Kaltura videos and quizzes will be updated to the new Kaltura LTI tool in Blackboard. This Knowledge Base has the known issues and solutions faculty may encounter after the updates. 

In this article:

Content Areas

Youtube+Kaltura video won't play.

This is a browser issue. Kaltura's aware of this error and is currently working on a fix. Try using Firefox, and your videos should play just fine.

Can't see the Course Gallery link.

You'll need to re-link your Course Gallery. Unfortunately, the Course Gallery doesn't translate directly to the new integration. But it's still available.

  1. In Course, Click on the Plus Sign to the lefthand menu
  2. Select Tool LinkBlk brd course tool link option

  3. Put the desired Name of the Tool Link
  4. For Type, scroll down and select  UAA Kaltura - Course Media Gallery
    Tool link name and type

  5. Click Submit
    Tool Link submmision

  6. The Kaltura Course Gallery Link will show in the left side menu
    Tool link showing in Left course menu


Quizzes play, but don't show up in the grade book.

You'll need to re-embed your Kaltura quizzes. To connect your quizzes properly to the gradebook, you need to re-embed the quizzes. 

  1. In Course, Click on the content area you wish to have the Quiz Video in
  2. Click Build Content
    Content are to Build Content

  3. Click UAA Kaltura - Interactive Video Quiz
    Build Content to UAA Kaltura Browser, Search, and Embed

  4. Choose the Video Quiz and Click Embed
    Kaltura page in LMS show user video list to embed


Other Issues with Kaltura

  • See a small Blackboard menu screen where a video should be.UAA Dashboard in B2 Kaltura video link
  • See a white box that says Access Denied where a video should be.Kaltura Access Denied in Blk Brd
  • Faculty/Instructor sees the videos, but the students can't.
  • Don't see all my videos. These boxes appear where my videos should be
  • Something else is wrong

The Instructional Media Studio in LIB 210 at the UAA/APU Consortium Library can provide support for faculty who need assistance with video content for courses, including resolving issues with Kaltura. You can reach the Studio at uaa_instructionalmedia@alaska.edu or by phone at 907-786-4850.

You can also book an appointment easily with the Studio's online calendar. The studio is generally open and available for walk-ins or appointments (either in person or over Zoom) on weekdays from 9-4. Appointments outside of regular hours may be available by individual request.

When you contact them, please provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • The course ID
  • Brief description of the issue
  • Do we have permission to access your course to help with this issue?

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the appropriate Learning Management System (LMS) form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by UAA Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for the appropriate support group.