Educational Technology

Articles and information pertaining with Learning Management System (LMS), Digication, classroom technology, and related academic technologies in learning environments and facilities across campus.

Categories (7)

Assistive Technology

Information regarding a variety of assistive technologies available to UAA students, and instructors.

Audio/Video Equipment

Information regarding audio, and visual equipment such as data projectors, DVD/Blu-ray players, overhead projectors, and more available within campus classrooms.


Clickers (i.e. “audience response systems”, "classroom response systems", and "student response systems") enable instructors to pose questions to students and immediately collect and view the responses of the entire class. Clickers are often used to increase student engagement and obtain real-time feedback.

Computer Facilities

Computer facilities, or labs, are located across campus and available to students, staff, and faculty who need access to computers, specific software, or printing.

eWolf ePortfolio

Information regarding UAA's ePortfolio service, using the Digication platform.

Instructional Computer Facilities

Offers faculty, as well as campus and local groups, computer classrooms which can be scheduled for a semester, or as needed for computer/software related instruction. The Instructional Computer Facilities provide an easy location for groups who need a space with up-to-date computers and software to lead instruction, or group collaboration. Our Instructional Facilities are great for instructors and departments looking for a computer-classroom for short-term or semester long use.

Learning Management System (Blackboard)

Information regarding UA's official Learning Managment System (LMS), using the Blackboard platform.

Articles (26)

About Honorlock Proctoring Software

The article is to assist students with finding information about how to use and set up Honorlock software, as well as an escalation path when encountering issues.

How do I Use the SMART Interactive Displays?

This article provides information on how to use the interactive whiteboards by SMART Technologies.

Login to Student Learning & Licensure(SLL) by Watermark

This article provides assistance for School of Education students and faculty to login to Login to Student Learning & Licensure(SLL) by Watermark.

Login to WeBWorK

This article provides assistance for Department of Mathematics and Statistics students and faculty to login to the WeBWorK system.

Where Can I Find Audio/Video Smart Classrooms?

This article can help you find locations on campus with audio/video enabled smart classrooms.