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Information for list administrators on resolving an issue where emails sent to a mailing list appear to disappear.
Frequently asked questions and answers about email and related protocols.
Information, and general best practices when sending an email message to a Mailing list.
Understand the different roles within a Mailman mailing list.
UAA Mailman is a web-based email distribution list manager that allows staff, faculty, and university departments and organizations to use email lists for distribution of news, upcoming events, and/or general discussion among subscribers.
In this article, students can learn how to change their preferred email address in me.UAA.
How to configure a Mailman list so that only owners, and moderators can post.
How to configure a Mailman list to allow only subscribers to post.
Mailman sends notifications to the list administrators, moderators, or list members under a number of different circumstances.
Information on why mailman might be blocking messages sent to a list from the list owner.
Mailing list owners must agree to the following polices when applying for, and using a mailing list. All mailing list usage is subject to university's Electronic Mail Policy.