University of Alaska students may at their discretion configure their Official UA e-mail accounts to forward all e-mails to an external e-mail address. This method forwards a copy of the email and retains a copy in the Official UA e-mail inbox.
The following policy change to the UA system Accounting and Administrative Manual (
No.: 300: A-01) no longer allows employees to forward their work email to a personal email:
3.4 Email Forwarding
Email “forwarding” refers to the practice of setting an alternate, non-UA email destination, whereby computing systems automatically redirect (or copy) incoming mail to another address or mail system. Employees may not “forward” email outside of the university-provided email systems. Non-employees may forward email; however, they assume responsibility for data security, and for ensuring that institutional messages are received in the destination system. Using the forward button to send a copy of a message is not restricted by this section.
If the Preferred Email Destination address stops working or the address is entered incorrectly, anyone sending an email to the Official UA email address will receive a bounce-back message saying the email was not delivered. The email will still be delivered to the Official UA email inbox, but the copy forwarded to the bad address will fail and cause the bounce-back message.
In this article:
What materials do I need?
- A device with Internet access
- A web browser such as Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.
- Your UA Username and Password
How do I use this technology?
- Open a web browser.
- In your address bar, type in https://me.uaa.alaska.edu.
- Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
- Click the Username/ID# & Password button.

- Type in your UA username or ID number and password.

- Click the Submit button.
- Wait for the system to load your account.
- On the Welcome page, look for the Email Destination section.

- Click the green change link.
- Select the UA Google or Other option bubble. Each option is described at the top of that page.
- If you would like to disable future University emails from forwarding to your personal email, then select the UA Google option.
- Active UA employees are not permitted to redirect their UA email addresses to another account. If a UA employee saves a non-UA email address in the Other option, their preferred email destination will revert back to UA Google.

- Click the Save Settings button to apply the changes.
Need additional help or have issues
For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the UA Account service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.
For immediate assistance please review the Contact IT page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.