Manage Your Devices in Duo


This article guides users on managing their devices with Duo. This includes accessing the manging existing devices, changing the default authentication devices, and removing devices on Duo. 


In this article:


What materials do I need?

  • The smartphone, tablet, or another device you configured for use with Duo
The Duo Mobile app is the recommended device to use for MFA as it provides the best user experience. Other options such as a Landline/Phone, Security Key, or Touch ID (select Apple devices) are available as well. Please note that the prompts will vary slightly.


How do I use this technology?

Accessing Device Management

If you do not have access to any enrolled devices through ELMO, you will need to contact IT Services Technical Support Center for help.


  1. On the Check for a Duo Push window click the Other options link.
    Duo push
  2. Click on Manage devices
    Manage devices
  3. Choose an authentication method and complete two-factor authentication.

  4. After authenticating, click Add a device to enroll a new device.

  5. To exit, click Back to Login below the listed devices.


Default Authentication Device

Duo will select the most secure device as the default, but user can pick a different device at the prompt


Manage Existing Devices

This process walks through managing existing devices on Duo.

  1. Click Need Help bottom left  and select Manage devices to authenic and view the available devices. You can Reactivate Duo Mobile for an enrolled smartphone, Change Device Name for any type of phone, or delete any authentication device.

  2. Click the Reactivate Duo Mobile if you need to get Duo Push working on your phone, for example, if you replaced your phone with a new model but kept the same phone number. After answering some questions about your device, you'll receive a new QR code to scan with your phone, which will complete the Duo Mobile activation process.

  3. Click Edit  and then Rename to change Device Name of your phone (hardware tokens can't be renamed). Type in the new name and click Rename.

  4. After successfully modifying your phone's name, you will see this from now on when managing devices, and will also be how your phone is identified in the authentication dropdown.


Remove Device

This process walks through removing a device from Duo.

Until you add an additional device, you will be able to remove the last device on Duo. If you are still unable to delete a device, contact IT Services Technical Support Center to have it removed.


  1. Click the Edit then Delete button to delete a phone or token device. This delete the device with no confirmation.


Is there any additional information I should know about?

More information about Duo MFA can by found on UA Office of Information Technology's (OIT) website.


Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime using the Questions or Assistance with Multi-Factor Authentication form. Requests generate a Ticket which will be worked in order received and urgency by UAA Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For additional assistance contact the IT Services Technical Support Center via phone at (907) 786-4646, toll-free at (877) 633-3888, text "Support" to (844) 705-0262, or email us at

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Article ID: 569
Tue 6/15/21 4:04 PM
Tue 6/11/24 3:44 PM