Email FAQ


Frequently asked questions and answers about email and related protocols.


What's my email address?

Your default email address is your UA Username with appended to it. For example, if your UA Username is jdoe, then the UA email address would be To look up your UA Username, please visit me.UAA or UA ELMO.


How do I get an email account?

University of Alaska (UA) email accounts are created automatically for students registered for at least 1 credit through UAOnline. Allow two business days after registration for account availability.


How do I log in to my email?

Log in to your Google Workspace @ UA account using your UA Username and current UA password. If you need to change your UA Password, visit the me.UAA account recovery website and use one of the three button options. If you need additional assistance, please contact the UAA Technical Support Center.


What are the usage policies?

Please visit the following Knowledge Base article, University of Alaska Administrative Guidelines: Use of Email.


When does my account expire?

  • Students
    • Student accounts expire three semesters (one year) after the last day of the last semester of attendance. Year-old student accounts are expired semesterly. However, UAA alumni may be eligible for a lifetime extension by submitting a ticket here: Alum Email Extension.
  • Staff and Faculty
    • Employee accounts, including other employee-sponsored accounts, expire when leaving the university or are locked by department request.


Why do I get iCloud bounces when emailing students in my Blackboard course?

Unfortunately, IT Services cannot control or resolve any third-party email provider’s bounce messages. Sometimes, iCloud’s spam detection system prevents Blackboard messages from being forwarded to a student’s iCloud email. However, since students have opted-in to set their personal preferred email address, they will still be able to view Blackboard course emails in their UA email. We recommend that students use their UA email address for coursework.


How do I stop UA emails from being forwarded to my personal (non-UA) email?

To disable this feature from your UA account, please visit the following Knowledge Base article: Change my Preferred Email Destination


What does "over quota" mean?

Email storage space is not unlimited. If you receive an over-quota message, it means that you have exceeded your available space on the email server. You'll need to log in to your email account and delete some messages or download them to your personal computer.


Mailing Lists at UAA - Where can I find information?

A mailing list is a method of distributing emails to a large number of people through a single email address rather than dealing with a collection of email addresses in your email program. A mailing list is managed on a server with commands that range from adding and removing addresses to setting posting privileges. You must be staff, faculty, or a sponsored entity such as a department or club to request a mailing list. Additional information is available in the Mailing List knowledge articles, requests for support can be submitted via the Mailing List service page.


Spam Filtering

All incoming mail to UAA is filtered for spam (junk mail).


What is the server's address?

The University of Alaska's primary mail system is Gmail. You can find client setting information in the Check Gmail through other email platforms Knowledge Base article.


Can I send attachments?

Attachments are allowed, however, IT Services does not recommend sending files over 25 MB in size. Additionally, certain types of file attachments may be removed if they are executable or have files that frequently contain malicious data (such as a Microsoft Access database file).


What is the size limit on attachments?

Attachments are limited to 25 MB in size, though individuals are encouraged to avoid mailing files over 20 MB.



Article ID: 33
Tue 10/8/19 11:44 AM
Thu 1/16/25 7:35 PM

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