Create a Ticket



You can create Enterprise Service Management (ESM) ticket when appropriate. When you do, be sure to add select the correct classification, form, and clearly document the steps to replicate, troubleshooting and any workaround.

Ticket Classification is an important consideration when selecting a form. See Enterprise Service Management (ESM) Ticket Classification article for additional information


In this article:


What materials do I need?

  • Web Browser
  • TDNext license


Create a Ticket

  1. Login to ESM.
  2. Click the desired ticketing application (e.g. UAA IT Tickets).

    UAA Enterprise Service Managment UAA IT Tickets application highlighted
  3. Click +New Ticket in the menu bar.

    Enterprise Service Management New Ticket button highlighted
  4. New Ticket window will appear.
    • Note: By default, the ticket will be have a classification of Incident. This may change based upon the type of form selected in the next step.

    Enterprise Service Management New Ticket window
  5. Click into the Form field.

    Enterprise Service Management New Ticket form field highlighted
  6. Type a keyword appropriate to the customer's request (e.g. computer, account, etc.).

    Enterprise Service Management New Ticket form search option
  7. Select the appropriate form type from the list displayed paying special attention to Incident, or Service Request classification.
    • Service Request: Forms for requesting work.
    • Incident: Forms associated for reporting degradations, or other issues where services are not working as designed.

    Enterprise Service Management New Ticket form selected
  8. The Ticket window will refresh with new fields based upon the form type selected.

    Enterprise Service Management New Ticket form fields displayed
  9. Complete the rest of the ticket form.
    1. Status field, leave set to New.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket status drop down menu
    2. In the Contact Source field, select the method in which the customer contact you.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket Contact Source drop down menu
    3. In the What is your request? field, append a succinct statement describing the customer's request.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket What is your Request field with append example text
    4. In most cases the Group or Person Responsible can be left as the default value.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket Group or Person Responsible field example
    5. In the Priority field, select the relative importance of the ticket to the organization.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket priority field drop down menu expanded
    6. Click into the Primary Contact field and type either the UA Username, or Name of the person who is the ultimate customer.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket Primary Contact field
      The Primary Contact is the person for whom the work is being done for. For example, if an administrative assistant is calling in a service request to have their department head's workstation repaired, the Primary Contact in this case is the department head, not the administrative assistant that actually made the phone call. In this example, the administrative assistant would be added as an Additional Contact(s). See below for adding Additional Contact(s).
      1. Select the correct person from the list of identities displayed.

        Enterprise Service Management New Ticket Primary Contact search result list example
    7. After the Primary Contact has been added to the ticket, look to the right for the Recently Requested by <Name> box that appears. Before continuing, verify that no existing ticket for the same request is already opened for the same person.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket review open tickets for requestor
    8. In the Primary Contacts Alternate Phone Number field enter any additional phone numbers, such as a cell phone, that can be used to to contact the individual.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket Primary Contact alternate phone number
      • For employees: This is usually an optional field, as the person's UA issued telephone number is usually displayed under the Requestor block of information. If the employee does not have a phone number displayed beneath their name, make sure to enter a phone number in this field.
      • For non-employees: This is a required field.
    9. In the Additional Contact(s) field, enter any additional individuals that may be interested in the status of this ticket.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket additional contacts field
      1. As in the Primary Contact field, type either the UA Username, or Name of the people to add as a contact.
      2. Then select the correct person from the list of identities displayed.

        Enterprise Service Management New Ticket Additional Contacts account search list
        • As in the example mentioned previously with an administrative assistant calling in a service request to have their department head's workstation repaired, the administrative assistant would be added as an Additional Contact(s).
    10. In the Department field, if the ticket is being submitted for a university employee, or department, verify that the information displayed in this field is correct.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket department field
      Some employees may have active job assignments with two, or more departments at the same time. The Department field should reflect the department associated with the requested work. Which may, or may not be the initial value displayed in the field.
      1. Click the Department field, and type a word associated with the desired department.
      2. Select the correct department from the list of departments displayed.

        Enterprise Service Management New Ticket department field search list example
    11. In the Building field, for university owned devices enter the physical building the device is located in. If the appropriate building is not in the list, search for Other and select it.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket building field
      1. If a building is selected, the Room field will be displayed.

        Enterprise Service Management New Ticket room field
      2. Click the Room field, and type a number associated with the appropriate location.
      3. Select the correct room from the list of rooms displayed.

        Enterprise Service Management New Ticket room field selection list
    12. Additional fields may be displayed depending upon the specific ticket form selected. Enter appropriate information into the fields displayed.
    13. In the Additional Information About This Request field, please include any information that could be important for the completion of this request. This includes time constraints, or coordination with other activities or groups.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket additional information field
    14. In the Attach Supporting Documents field, if there are any files that will help with the completion of the request please include them with the following directions.

      Enterprise Service Management New Ticket Attach Supporting Documents field
      1. Click Browse...
      2. In the Dialog box that appears, navigate to the location on your device with the documentation.
      3. Select the file.
      4. Then click Choose.
  10. At the top of the page click Save.

    Enterprise Service Management New Ticket save button highlighted
  11. The window will refresh.

    Enterprise Service Management Service Request Created Successfully message
  12. Click View the service request you just created.


Additional Resources

Managing tickets after the initial creation has many means of doing so. Further instructional guides are available below.


Need additional help or have issues

For additional assistance contact the IT Services Technical Support Center via phone at (907) 786-4646, toll-free at (877) 633-3888, email us at



Article ID: 389
Mon 11/16/20 1:03 PM
Wed 8/21/24 12:43 PM