Update a Ticket


Information on how to update a ticket, and optionally notify the customer, and/or other contacts that may be interested in the progress of the ticket.



This article details the process for updating a ticket. There are two ways to update a ticket. Ticket status must be used when a status is updated. Information on ticket status can be found in the knowledge base article Ticket Status. All additional helpful and relevant information about work done must be added as a Comment as work progresses.

All information related to a ticket must be documented in the ticket. If it is not documented then it did not happen. 
Any employee should be able to look at a Ticket and determine what work has already been completed and the current status of work remaining. Any other Group member should be able to look at a Ticket and continue working it without repeating work already done.

In this article:

What materials do I need?

  • Web Browser
  • TDNext license

Update Ticket Status

  1. Login to ESM.
  2. Click the desired ticketing application (e.g. UAA IT Tickets).

    UAA Enterprise Service Managment UAA IT Tickets application highlighted
  3. Open the Ticket that needs to be updated.

  4. Click Actions.

  5. Click Update.

  6. Add a comment. Optionally, use a Template to preload a full, or partial message.
    Comments cannot be longer than 20,000 characters, including any formatting (e.g. HTML code) characters.
  7. Select user(s) to Notify.

    If no individual, or group, is listed in the Notify field, then an email notification will not be sent out to ticket requestor, or anyone else. However, unless the comment's Make comments private (only visible to <Ticket App Name> users) is selected then the ticket's requestor, and contacts will be able to view the comment on the Service Portal.
  8. Select Save.

  9. The Ticket will display the updated information at the bottom of the ticket in the Feed.

    In the ticket feed under the recently added comment, the line Notified: <list of people> indicates an email notification was sent to the addresses listed. If this line is not present, then an email message was not sent out.

Update Ticket Comment

  1. Follow steps 1 through 3 in Update Ticket Status.
  2. Click on comment.

  3. Add the comment.

  4. Select user(s) to notify.

    If no individual, or group, is listed in the Notify field, then an email notification will not be sent out to ticket requestor, or anyone else. However, unless the comment's Make comments private (only visible to <Ticket App Name> users) is selected then the ticket's requestor, and contacts will be able to view the comment on the Service Portal.
  5. Select Save.

  6. The Ticket will display the updated information at the bottom of the ticket in the Feed.

    In the ticket feed under the recently added comment, the line Notified: <list of people> indicates an email notification was sent to the addresses listed. If this line is not present, then an email message was not sent out.

Additional Resources

Managing tickets after the initial creation has many means of doing so. Further instructional guides are available below.

Need additional help or have issues

For support, requests may be submitted anytime by Requesting Support for the Enterprise Service Management service. Support Requests are worked by Priority based on the Impact and Urgency of need as well as the order they are received by the IT Employees with the knowledge and permissions to assist with the request.

For immediate assistance please review the Contact Us page for ways to contact the appropriate support group.



Article ID: 556
Tue 6/8/21 8:05 PM
Wed 12/6/23 7:16 PM